(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 marked the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to public, and was also the founder Mr. Li Hongzhi’s birthday. Through practicing Falun Dafa, millions of people have become physically and mentally healthy and their morals have improved. Practitioners all over the world held activities to commemorate this historic day. Practitioners in the Netherlands held activities in Amsterdam on May 11, 2024 to celebrate Falun Dafa Day.

It was a sunny day. Practitioners put up huge banners with messages about Falun Dafa to display the significance of the event.

Practitioners celebrated the World Falun Dafa Day in Amsterdam on May 11, 2024.

The waist drum team performed with joyful drumming that attracted many passersby.

The slow, gentle movements as practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises drew people to stop and watch. Some said they liked the practice and asked where they could learn.

Practitioners introduced the beauty of Falun Dafa to passersby and told them about the persecution in China. They exposed the Chinese Communist regime’s atrocity of harvesting organs from living practitioners and collected the signatures on a petition calling to end the brutality.

People stopped at the practitioners’ booth to learn more about Falun Dafa and signed the petition to end the CCP’s forced organ harvesting.

Camela said, “I like Chinese culture a lot. I also like to meditate. So as soon as I saw your practice, I was immediately attracted. I really want to buy a Falun Dafa book to learn about this practice. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. People in the Netherlands need these principles.”

She explained why she signed the petition, “Because Falun Dafa makes people healthy and they become better people, so it was very popular in China. But the then-leader of CCP began to persecute Falun Dafa and the persecution has lasted till today and is still going on. Even the organs are harvested from people [for huge profits]. This is what’s happening in China and this is why we sign the petition.”

Angel and her daughter Angela watched the practitioners’ activities. Angel said, “I felt really sad when I heard about the CCP’s forced organ harvesting. I think Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is very good. Nobody should be punished for doing something to improve their health. This is a world of freedom. This sounds too crazy to me if people cannot practice their culture and belief. I think no one should ban anyone from practicing his own culture and belief, if that makes you a better person. I believe meditation is what the divine gave us, and we should cherish it.”

She encouraged practitioners, “Persevere, do not give up. Persevere in your belief. I think the purpose of creating the earth is to pass the love and hope and let people unite.”

A Chinese tourist bought a copy of Zhuan Falun during the event and said he would read the book carefully.

When a western girl heard about the persecution that practitioners in China are suffering, she used her phone to translate her words into Chinese, “You are brave!” She gave the practitioners a card covered with her words of good wishes.