(Minghui.org) I read an article recently where a practitioner sent righteous thoughts toward his electric razor, which then started working again. He was happy about it and didn’t think anything was wrong with doing this.

When I read this, I was stunned and felt awful for him. If he had used his supernatural powers the way he did, it would have been dangerous for his cultivation!

Master taught us:

“In the past it wasn’t called “sending forth righteous thoughts,” it was “divine powers”—using divine powers, Buddha Fa’s divine powers. Everyday people have referred to them as “supernormal abilities.” So why do I call it sending forth righteous thoughts? Since you’re doing Dafa cultivation, everything should be the most magnificent and the purest. None of the things we do are just about your personal cultivation. We have to also consider the Fa, and we have to consider the new beings of the future, and, at the same time, we have to consider the form of beings in the future. Because you’re laying a foundation for them, the path we take has to be righteous. Whatever you do today, the future people will remark, “That’s how Dafa disciples did it back then,” so we can see that many things are major. This is why we have to be pure when we send forth righteous thoughts.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.,” Collected Teachings Given Around the WorldVolume II)

Master also told us:

“When we get together for group practice, think about eliminating the evil in the Three Realms, while holding one hand vertically (li-zhang) in front of the chest, and just think with True Thoughts for five minutes—this should do it. (Applause) It will work, because you are, after all, magnificent cultivators and are different from everyday people. But if you use this for something a cultivator shouldn’t, it won’t work; as soon as the thought arises, retribution will follow or your level will drop. Remember this!” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2001 Canada Fa Conference,” Guiding the Voyage)

The crucial issue here is that after his electric razor started working again, he thought what he had done was right. In my understanding, however, Master gives us abilities to assist us in rectifying the Fa and eliminating the evil. I feel it’s not appropriate to send forth righteous thoughts for our personal convenience or gain, or to fulfill our wants in the human world. I wanted to write this article to kindly remind practitioners about the purpose of sending forth righteous thoughts.

This is my understanding at my current level; please kindly point out anything inappropriate.