(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 was the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the world. Many Hong Kong citizens recently started practicing Falun Dafa, gaining both mental and physical health. They hope more people will see through the lies propagated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and recognize the goodness of Falun Dafa.

May 13, 2024 was the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the world and the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong. To commemorate the occasion, Falun Dafa practitioners from various practice sites in Hong Kong held banners to wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Picking Up Cultivation Practice After Seeing a Falun Dafa Day Parade

Ms. Tan, a retired teacher, immigrated to Hong Kong from the mainland more than 30 years ago. Influenced by the CCP’s propaganda, she refused to read the truth clarification leaflets that practitioners gave her. In 2019 she saw a report on the Internet about the organ harvesting and activities held by Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) practitioners to expose these egregious human rights violations. Shocked, Ms. Tan kept reading and soon realized the persecution Falun Gong faced under the CCP.

An avid dance and music enthusiast, Ms. Tan was stretching her limbs on her piano bench one day in 2022 when she accidentally fell to the ground. The COVID epidemic was raging in Hong Kong and the hospitals were overcrowded. Ms. Tan tried to recover on her own at home, but as the pain intensified, she was forced to visit the hospital for an examination. She was hospitalized after a fracture was discovered, and after she was discharged she contracted the COVID-19 virus. Her weak constitution, fractured bones, and battle with COVID-19 and multiple other chronic illnesses left her suffering and in pain.

In May 2022, Ms. Tan saw by chance a news article about a World Falun Dafa Day parade. She discovered online videos covering a series of lectures and exercise tutorials given by Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong. Ms. Tan tried practicing the exercises herself. Her motivation grew during a subsequent hospital visit, when her doctor and physiotherapist encouraged her to continue practicing the exercises.

Originally stricken with a degenerative cervical disease, Ms. Tan was scheduled to undergo surgery to fix her condition. Yet after practicing Falun Gong for less than a year, her condition improved to the point that her doctor said surgery was no longer necessary. Now, she rarely experiences symptoms of neck pain or numbness.

“After reading Zhuan Falun and other Falun Gong books, I’m no longer concerned about illnesses. Whenever I felt uncomfortable, I used to worry that this was a stroke symptom and urgently sought medical help. These constant emergency visits took up a lot of my time and contributed to my exhaustion. Now, I let nature take its course. My health is better than before.”

Greatest Gain Is the Ability to Look Within

Another retiree, Ms. Zhang, also started practicing Falun Gong for health reasons. Ms. Zhang strained her eyes at work and suffered from glaucoma. She started practicing Falun Gong after reading some online feedback from fellow glaucoma patients that their eyesight improved after practicing Falun Dafa.

Last September, Ms. Zhang managed to find the contact information of some volunteer Falun Gong practitioners online. She started learning the exercise movements and even managed to borrow some Falun Gong books. “I used to like reading, but when my eyesight deteriorated, I found myself too tired to even open my eyes. But these Falun Gong books are different. I don’t feel tired reading them and I can see the words more clearly.”

Eight months after she started practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Zhang said her physical and mental condition improved. “I feel tired when doing the exercises, but after completing them, my body feels light, and I can walk faster than before.”

Ms. Zhang stated that her greatest gain from practicing Falun Gong was the ability to “look inward” and improve herself when encountering conflicts. “When two people were quarreling in front of me, I knew there was a reason I saw this and I tried to discover what I could learn from it.”

Ms. Zhang also searches inwards while going about her daily life. When others glare at her or say nasty things about her, she laughs it off without getting angry. Interpersonal relationships within her family have improved and become harmonious.

On this special occasion, Ms. Zhang would like to thank Master Li for spreading Dafa to the world. “Just like the sea, which can accommodate anything and even break down the hardest stones, Dafa can reform all evil and eliminate any sin.”

Young Practitioner: Peace of Mind and Freedom from Pain

Mr. Zhang, a young practitioner, started practicing Falun Gong three years ago. His high levels of anxiety made his muscles tense and sore, and he frequently had insomnia at night. “I would spend the entire 24 hours in a state of constant tension, as though I was sitting for an exam.” To relax, he tried various meditation methods, but was unable to calm down.

Mr. Zhang’s mother started practicing Falun Gong in 2014, but he never expressed interest till one day, when his mother fell and injured her back. Hospital X-rays discovered the fall had fractured a bone, yet his mother continued to do the exercises and recovered quickly without any complications. In contrast, Mr. Zhang had slightly injured his back while exercising, yet his pain remained despite undergoing dozens of rounds of treatments. On seeing his mother, who was already in her sixties, recover more rapidly than him, he became interested in learning Falun Gong.

His mother taught him the exercises and his pain lessened. However, he found it hard to rid himself of his nervous state. After practicing the exercises for a year and reading Zhuan Falun twice, he finally understood why he could not relax.

“I discovered the attachments which contributed to the core of my anxiety. For example, my strong jealousy pushes me to outperform others. Following the teachings of Dafa, I worked on rejecting these bad thoughts and I slowly started to calm down when I meditated.”

After he read Zhuan Falun for six months, Mr. Zhang gained a greater sense of calm. His pain disappeared, and his sleep quality became better.

A telecommunications engineer, Mr. Zhang discovered that holding himself to the requirements of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance has improved his work efficiency. During technical discussions, he has become better at accepting other people’s opinions. He even visits a nearby park to practice the exercises each day during his lunch break. Some of his new colleagues, who recently arrived from mainland China, discovered the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong through him and many of them quit the CCP, youth league and young pioneers on the Epoch Times website.

Mr. Zhang admitted his previous misunderstandings about Falun Gong in the past led him to believe the group was “political.” He also rejected the idea that the CCP conducted live organ harvesting from healthy practitioners, because he could not imagine any government carrying out such an evil deed. Only after he read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other truth clarification materials did he recognize the evil nature of the CCP and the extent of their cruel persecution.

“In reality, Falun Gong is apolitical. Practitioners have benefited from Dafa, and the unreasonable persecution by the CCP is the reason why we expose the truth.”

Mr. Zhang often distributes Falun Gong truth-clarifying flyers on weekends. He hopes more people can let go of their prejudices, which formed after they were deceived by the CCP’s lies, and that his story can convince them to change their minds.

Persuading Mainland Chinese Tourists to Withdraw from the CCP

When the Chinese Communist Party began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners began exposing the persecution. Although Hong Kong’s freedom of speech has been severely curtailed, and demonstrations, rallies and other similar activities are banned, practitioners continue to find various ways to clarify the truth.

Ms. Jiang, a retiree, visits tourist attractions three times a week with fellow practitioners. There, they distribute newspapers and advise tourists from mainland China to quit the CCP. And each week, dozens or even hundreds of people reward their efforts by declaring their intention to quit the Communist Party of China.

After she began practicing Falun Gong in 2007, Ms. Jiang’s chronic gastric problems and stamina have greatly improved. Now, she can stand for hours and distribute newspapers to people on the streets without feeling tired. She hopes more people will come to understand the truth about Falun Gong and benefit from practicing.