(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024, was the 25th World Falun Dafa Day and the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction. Members of New York State Assembly issued citations to mark the occasion.

Citation from Majority Leader of New York State Assembly

Citation from the Honorable Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes, Majority Leader, New York State Assembly

The citation reads, “Many of those who participate in World Falun Dafa Day cerebrate the teachings which have brought physical health, joy, and peace of mind to millions of people across the globe throughout the entire week.”

“To the people of China, Falun Dafa provides a source of strength in the face of oppression; although the practice is banned in the land of its origin, practitioners persevere in the pursuit of their spiritual beliefs, risking imprisonment or worse.

“In 1996, Falun Dafa was introduced to New York and has since grown to include hundreds of practitioners who can be found throughout the tri-state area offering workshops in senior centers, at no cost to the participants.

“Today, Falun Dafa is practiced and cherished by millions of people and has received over 3,000 awards. Falun Dafa is a practice which has brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world.”

Citation from Members of the New York State Assembly

Citation from Assemblyman Patrick Burke of New York State Assembly

Citation from Assemblyman Michael J. Norris

Proclamation from the County of Erie

County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz proclaims May 13, 2024 as Falun Dafa Day in Erie County.