(Minghui.org) The people around me support Falun Dafa, which has also brought them blessings. One year, our area was hit by hailstorms, and the intense hail knocked down the apples and crops in other villages. But there was no hail in my village, and our crops were not touched. News of the miraculous incident of hailstones bypassing my village spread widely, and the residents said, “We have been blessed by Falun Dafa.”

Why did they say that?

Let’s start at the beginning. My husband and I have practiced Dafa for 27 years. I am from the countryside, and I’m 79 years old. I haven’t gone to school for a day, and I couldn’t read or write before I practiced Falun Dafa. Dafa has opened up my wisdom, and I can fluently read all of Master’s books, and I can also memorize six books of Hong Yin poems. Master’s teachings are always in my mind and guide me at all times.

My husband and I have benefited from Dafa and are in good health. I have good ears and eyes, no wrinkles on my face, and my legs and feet are nimble. We are not burdens on our children either. The children understood the truth of Dafa and support our cultivation. In fact, they also started practicing. For more than 20 years, I’ve listened to Master’s words to cultivate myself. Falun Dafa blesses our land, and we are bathed in divine grace and welcome the new century.

Our Family

Since July 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa, Dafa practitioners began to clarify the truth and persuade people to quit the CCP organizations. I talked to almost everyone in the village, and almost all of my relatives and friends. I go to the farmers market and talk to strangers. When I clarify the truth, I am compassionate, patient, peaceful, and dedicated to saving people.

In addition to telling the truth, I also cooperated with my husband to hang truth-clarifying banners and post information about Falun Dafa. I was able to climb up to the tallest building in the village and hang banners, and it was a lot of trouble for the village cadres to take them down. In addition, most of the villagers understand the truth, so they don’t take it down. The banners hang for a long time. I cooperate with my husband to choose a good place during the day and post it at night. Our village is on the side of the main road, and there are many villages around it. There are roads on three sides around our village, and there are many telephone poles, thick and thin, and there are other buildings, where we can post them.

In order to hang them up high and eye-catching, my husband squatted down, I stepped on both of his shoulders, and hang up the banners high. The slogan of Dafa is so high and eye-catching that some people can’t reach it if they want to. No one could have imagined that it was posted by two elderly people in their seventies. People who saw the slogan say, “How was it put up so high?”

During elections one year a candidate came to my house. I said, “I can vote for you. But if you are elected, you cannot persecute Falun Dafa. This is for your own good, and I’ll help you quit the Party.” I told him why he should quit the Party, and he agreed. As a result, he was elected. He also kept his word and does not cooperate with the CCP to participate in the persecution. He turns a blind eye to Falun Dafa matters, and does not tear up the truth-clarifying slogans posted in the village.

After the CCP started to persecute Dafa, I went to Beijing several times to petition for justice. I was illegally detained, tortured, and persecuted, and fined. I never cooperated with them, didn’t sign any documents, and wasn’t “transformed.” I am on the CCP’s blacklist, and every time it’s a “sensitive day,” the town police station, the town government, and the 610 Office personnel come to harass me.

I feel they came to be saved. Whoever comes, I will tell the truth about the persecution, and recite the Master’s poems to them, sometimes reciting several poems. When I recited, they listened carefully. Some people said, “I won’t come again.”

I have two sons. The older one is a college professor, and his family lives in a provincial capital. The three members of their family all agree with Dafa and encourage me to practice. In the more than 20 years that the CCP persecuted Dafa, they have believed in Dafa. Every year during the Chinese New Year, I deliver couplets to the village. The police called my eldest son, saying that I delivered couplets everywhere and asked him to “handle me.” My son told them, “My mother is an old lady. How could she carry all those couplets?” The policeman just hung up the phone.

Another time, the police and 610 Office people came to my house and pressured me to sign some papers, but I did not sign. They repeated the same trick and tried to persuade my son to sign, but he flatly refused, saying, “My mother’s faith is her freedom and right, and no one else has the right to interfere with it.” My son also called me and told me, “Don’t sign it.”

Now the eldest son and his wife read Dafa books. My grandson is studying for a doctorate in Beijing, and every time he returns home on vacation, he bows to Master’s portrait.

My other son lives in another city. Last year, his wife had such a bad cough she couldn’t eat or sleep. It looked like she was dying. The doctor said that it couldn’t be cured, because they couldn’t tell what was wrong. My son began preparing for her funeral. Then he remembered Dafa and believed that only Dafa could save his wife, so he called me and asked me to show them the exercises. I went there, and the three of us studied the Fa together, and I taught them the five exercises. In just ten days, my daughter-in-law was fine, and she threw away all the medicine. My son and daughter-in-law firmly believe that Falun Dafa saved her.

After my daughter-in-law recovered, I said that I had to go back home to clarify the truth to people. But they wouldn’t let me go and asked me to study the Fa with them for a few more days. My son also memorized Hong Yin. When the three of us were studying the Fa together for four or five days, I saw Master coming, dressed in a suit. I thought it was a dream. After a while, Master came again, and this time I could see it clearly, and I knew that it was not a dream, and I couldn’t express my excitement. Thank you, merciful great Master! I told my son and daughter-in-law, “Cultivate diligently. Master has come to your house.” They were also very excited.

Now that my daughter-in-law has retired, they now study the Fa, practice the exercises, copy the Fa, and recite Hong Yin every day. They have Master’s portrait in their home. Their daughter, who is studying abroad, also believes in Dafa and supports Dafa, and when she comes home, she bows to Master’s portrait.

My Relatives

I have seven brothers and sisters, and I am the fourth child in my family. Our families are full of children and grandchildren. They all understand the truth, support Dafa, and quit the CCP organizations.

My niece, who is in her 40s, understands the truth and has also retired. One day she asked, “Aunt, how do you help people quit the Party?” I told her, “You just say that Falun Dafa is to save people, and the Communist Party does bad things and persecutes Dafa, so that people cannot be saved. Heaven wants to destroy it, and if you don’t quit, you will be implicated for its crimes.”

A few days later, she gave me a list of twelve people who withdrew from the Party. The niece said that she went to the village office to find the secretary of the CCP branch, and there were other people in the office. She told them the truth about Falun Dafa and the CCP, and they all quit the Party. I encouraged her, “Good job. You will definitely be blessed if you save people.”

I have a junior relative who works in the police department. In July 1999, when the CCP began to persecute Falun Dafa, he followed the persecution policy, and refused to listen to me. Later he got sick and had two surgeries. One year, at a banquet, we met. He grabbed my hand. Before he could speak, I said, “I know what you want to say. Do you want me to help you quit the Party?” He said, “Yes.” I said, “You made the right decision. I will help you. Remember to always say, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’“ I told him the basic truth again, and this time he listened to me. Since then, he has never been sick again.

We met again this year. He said he was cured. I told him, “Don’t persecute Dafa anymore. He said, “We don’t care about it now, we have a lot of Falun Dafa posters all over the street. I don’t tear them up.”

The Villagers

There are 150 families in my village. I went door to door to clarify the truth of Dafa. Except for a few people who stubbornly refused to listen, more than 90 percent of the villagers quit the Party and knew the truth of Dafa.

I visited one home several times, but no one was ever there. One day it was snowing heavily. I thought that they must be home now, so I should visit them again. I went to the house and saw a man. I explained the truth about Dafa to him. He was very moved, saying, “It’s snowing so hard, but you’ve still come. I’ll quit the CCP.”

A neighbor had an incurable disease and couldn’t stand up straight even though he had an operation. He knew that Dafa could save his life, so he looked for me. I said, “Don’t be afraid, Dafa is powerful and Master is merciful. If you want to practice Dafa, Master will definitely take care of you.” He said he wanted to learn Dafa and asked me to give him a book. I invited him to my home to study the Fa. After six months, he was able to stand up straight. One of his relatives was seriously ill. My neighbor told him, “Dafa is omnipotent.” He told the miraculous story of how he benefited from Falun Dafa. When his relatives heard about it, he also studied the Fa and got cured too.

The son of the female director of my village had lung cancer. He was dying. I had been to her house before to clarify the truth. Her family quit the Party, but her son refused. After I learned about her son’s situation, I went to him and said, “I told you the truth before. You also know that Dafa is good. If you quickly quit the Party, Dafa can save you.” This time he said, “Okay, can you help me to quit?” He also said that he wanted to study the Fa. His family supported him.

After he studied the Fa, he was cured. It has been three years now, and he is living a good life and can do any job. He now studies the Fa every day. He tells others that Falun Dafa saved him. His wife saw that her husband changed from a critically ill person to a healthy person, and she had no doubts about Dafa. She asked me, “Can you give me a book? I will study it too.”

The female director also came to me and said, “Can you give me a book? I want to study the Fa.” She studies the Fa every day now. The entire family practices. The female director also told me, “I was told by the authority to tear up the Falun Dafa messages, but I did not follow the order.”

I got along well with my neighbors. I was eager to help with anything. They knew that I was a good person and respected me. When I told them the truth, they all believed it, and helped me pass out materials. When I went out, they knew that I was going out to put up information about Falun Dafa, and they helped me.

Some people don’t listen to the truth; some threatened to report me to the police or beat me. I laughed, “They are poisoned by the CCP’s lies and don’t understand the truth. They are also precious lives. Master said that cultivators have no enemies, I don’t hate them, I have to save them!”

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)