(Minghui.org) Ms. Long Zeqing, 74, from Suizhou City, Hubei Province, was admitted to prison on May 6, 2024 to serve a 1.5-year term for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Long’s sentence stemmed from an incident in March 2023, when she was reported for raising awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong. Due to the strong protest from her family and fellow villagers, the police were unable to arrest her at her home. They still submitted her case to the Suizhou City Procuratorate. She stood trial on September 8, 2023 and was allowed to go home after the hearing.

The Suizhou City Court later sentenced Ms. Long to one year but for some unknown reason did not take her back into custody to serve time right away. The court later increased her prison sentence by six months and ordered her to serve time in prison. The police seized her on May 6, 2024 and took her straight to the Fanjiatai Prison located in Shayang County, Jingmen City, Hubei Province.

This is not the first time that Ms. Long has been targeted for her faith, which she credits for enabling her, an illiterate, to read and write. She was previously arrested in October 2002 and held in a brainwashing center. She was detained again in March 2003.