(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 is the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction and 25th World Falun Dafa Day. Governor Eric Holcomb of the State of Indiana proclaimed May 13, 2024, Falun Dafa Day in the state.

Governor Eric Holcomb of the State of Indiana

Proclamation from Governor Eric Holcomb

The proclamation reads, “Falun Dafa is a spiritual practice that millions around the world have made a part of their daily lives.”

“Many feel that in Falun Dafa, they have found a deeply rewarding spiritual path and Falun Dafa is taught free of charge and open to all.

“Local Falun Dafa practitioners have touched the lives of many residents through workshops, classes and cultural programs, enriching Hoosiers’ lives”

Practitioners in Indiana gathered in Holliday Park on May 12 to celebrate World Falun Dafa. They demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises to display the beauty of Falun Dafa. They also respectfully wished Master a happy birthday.

Practitioners in Indiana respectfully wish Master a happy birthday!

Practitioners did the exercises to display the beauty of Falun Dafa.