(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 marks the 25th Falun Dafa Day and the 73rd birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. Many supporters of Falun Dafa all across China sent in their best wishes to Master Li for a happy birthday.

This report is a collection of 21 greetings from Falun Dafa supporters. Although they don’t practice Falun Dafa themselves, they have witnessed how their family members or friends changed into better people by learning the practice.

A mother and his son from Tangshan City, Hebei Province wrote, “We recite the phrase ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ every day, and it makes us at peace in our hearts. On the occasion of World Falun Dafa Day and Master’s birthday, we would like to express our gratitude to Master!”

A young man, from Sichuan Province, said that his grandfather’s family of seven practice Falun Dafa. He wrote that he was blessed, “Once I was working at a high building and accidentally fell down. At that time, I shouted ‘Falun Dafa is good!’ in my mind. When I fell on my back, I felt that I had landed on a sponge, but in fact, I had landed on a board with nails pointing upward. I didn’t have any injury and was sent to the hospital for a thorough checkup. Thank you Master for saving my life! On behalf of my whole family, I wish Master a Happy Birthday!”

Other well-wishers hailed from the following regions:

Weihai City, Weifang City, Linyi City, and Qingdao City, Shandong ProvinceWuhan City and Xiangyang City, Hubei ProvinceFuxin City and Lingyuan City, Liaoning ProvinceXingtai City and Tangshan City, Hebei ProvinceSichuan ProvinceBeijingNanchang City, Jiangxi ProvinceTianjin