(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 marks the 25th Falun Dafa Day and the 73rd birthday of Master Li Hongzhi. This report presents greetings to Master Li for a happy birthday from Falun Dafa practitioners who are retired from or are still working in China’s military, law enforcement, procuratorates, courts, and judicial bureaus (which are administrative arms of the latter two).

These well-wishers vow to do even better in exposing the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of their faith, given the very nature of their jobs. Not only have they withstood pressure to arrest, indict, or sentence law-abiding Falun Dafa practitioners, they have also done everything in their power to persuade their colleagues to stop persecuting innocent people.

In their greetings, they wrote that they will keep up with their efforts of raising awareness of the persecution and help more of their non-practitioner colleagues to understand the illegality of the persecution and the goodness of Falun Dafa.

The well-wishers included judges, civil servants, police officers, students in military universities, military hospital workers, and service members in China’s Navy, People’s Liberation Army General Staff, 7th Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Eastern Threater Command (formerly known as Nanjing Military Region), and Western Theater Command (formerly known as Chengdu Military Region).

The greetings were received from the following places:

ChongqingBazhong City, Kaijiang County, Sichuan ProvinceNanjing City, Jiangsu ProvinceJilin ProvinceHeilongjiang ProvinceLinquan County, Anhui ProvinceShenyang City, Liaoning ProvinceLaishui County, Shenzhou City and Langfang City in Hebei ProvinceNanyang City, Henan ProvinceLaishui County, Hebei ProvinceXi’an City, Shaanxi ProvinceHunan ProvinceGuangzhou City, Guangdong Province