(Minghui.org) Greetings, revered Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, told us:

“No matter what you give to others, it’s not as good as giving them the Fa. No matter how good what you give someone is, or no matter how much money you give him, he is happy for only one lifetime or one moment. But if you give him the Fa, his life will be happy forever. What could be better than the Fa?” (Teachings at the Conference in the Western U.S.)

I realized that saving people should not stop at making them understand the facts about Dafa and quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. We should inspire them to learn more about Dafa and lead them to start cultivating if possible.

Neighbor Clarifies the Facts to His Relatives 

When I took a calendar with information about Dafa to a neighbor, he also asked for a few stickers with the words “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” on them. I saw that they had a DVD player at their home. So I visited him again a few days later and gave him Master’s lecture DVDs and Zhuan Falun, the main teachings of Falun Dafa. I saw that he had already posted the sticker I’d given him on his door.

After the New Year, he told me that he went to his hometown and introduced Dafa to his relatives. His relatives had been deceived by the CCP’s propaganda smearing Dafa, especially the Tiananmen self immolation hoax. He explained to them that the incident was staged to incite hatred against Dafa. 

He told me that after he clarified the facts about Dafa to his relatives, the stomach pain that had tormented him for many years was gone. 

Niece’s Family Joins Her in Practicing Dafa 

My niece had rheumatoid arthritis and had generalized joint pain. She felt hopeless about the illness. “Why not try practicing Falun Dafa? It has amazing healing power and has helped many people,” I said to her.

She agreed and asked me for a copy of Zhuan Falun. She also learned the exercises. My niece has a good foundation, and her enlightenment quality is excellent. She saw many Falun rotating around her body while doing the exercises and she also saw scenes in other dimensions. Her rheumatoid arthritis was gone shortly after. Witnessing her changes, her mother, daughter, and son-in-law also began practicing Dafa.

Her son-in-law had heart disease since his 30s; whenever he had an episode, he had severe shortness of breath and his clothes would be soaking wet. After practicing Dafa, his heart disease disappeared and he enjoys good health again. 

Parkinson’s Disease No More

My mother’s neighbor, Ms. Zhao, has Parkinson’s disease. Whenever I visited my mother, I would bring the Zhao family some informational materials. Later, they expressed interest in learning more about Dafa, so I gave them a copy of Zhuan Falun.

After finishing the book, Ms. Zhao’s Parkinson’s disease was gone! She no longer has any symptoms of tremor, and her husband and daughter were impressed by Dafa’s healing power.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)