(Minghui.org) I live in the countryside and don’t have much education. I always seemed to be sick and I had a hot temper. I blamed the people around me whenever anything bad happened. 

My husband and I were fortunate to learn Falun Dafa in the spring of 1998. I could not read much of Zhuan Falun at that time but I knew that Falun Dafa was good. I followed Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in my daily interactions. All my illnesses disappeared, and I became kind and light-hearted. My friends and relatives witnessed how wonderful Falun Dafa is. My parents-in-law and my husband’s oldest brother started practicing Falun Dafa in late 1998.

When I began to practice, I read the Fa and practiced the exercises diligently. One day my husband and I went to work in the fields. While waiting for him to finish plowing, I meditated in the truck. Three Chinese characters “Life Ordeal” appeared before my eyes. I didn’t know the last character “Ordeal.” I asked my husband about it after we came home. He said it was “ordeal.” I said, “I was meditating in the truck. Three golden characters ‘life ordeal’ appeared before my eyes.” I understood that Master told me that I would have life ordeal. 

The Beginning of the Ordeal

Soon afterward it was July 20, 1999. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) launched the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa and spread lies to deceive and poison the people. The ordeal indeed came. My husband was reported to the police when he was clarifying the truth to people. He had to leave home and move from place to place to avoid the persecution. He was later arrested and sent to a forced labor camp. Our siblings didn’t understand us, and said that we should just stay home and practice the exercises. They didn’t understand why we went out to talk to people about Falun Dafa. 

I felt huge pressure from my family and the other villagers. But I believe that Falun Dafa is good and practicing Falun Dafa is not wrong. I felt that I would prove that Falun Dafa is the most righteous through my actions and that those who persecuted good people were wrong. I wanted to tell people the truth about Falun Dafa and save people from the ordeal. 

My husband has one older brother and two younger brothers. The four brothers supported their parents financially. They provided them with rice and flour. Every year each brother needed to give their parents 100 bunches of firewood and a cart of wood. After my husband was detained I had to look after our two children and work in the fields all year around. The brothers thought I wouldn’t give their parents anything. But each year I was the first one who brought them rice, flour and firewood. 

My parents-in-law’s home didn’t have much space for the firewood. There was almost no space left after they stored my share of the firewood. So the other brothers delivered their firewood every other year or every three years. I wasn’t upset. I did exactly as my husband would have done if he were home, and even better. 

My husband’s younger brother lived with my parents-in-law. Their house was too old and had to be demolished and rebuilt. My parents-in-law wanted to take turns living with the other two brothers. But their wives didn’t agree. They didn’t want to ask me to take my parents-in-law in, because my husband was gone. I could see their dilemma so I volunteered to take them to my home. I also prepared two bags of rice for the workers working on the house. I cooked meals every day for them while they were rebuilding the house. 

The new house was finished two months later. The younger brother and his wife saw what a good person I was. My mother-in-law was very moved and said that I worked so hard I must be very tired. I told her that Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, told us to consider others first, and we should thank him. 

The day the younger brother moved into the new house, I picked up my husband who was finally released after two years in the forced labor camp. I validated Falun Dafa with my upright behavior. My family members understood how much Falun Dafa practitioners were going through and how good Falun Dafa is. We knew we had to persevere in our belief and safeguard Dafa. 

All the family members had a big dinner at my parents-in-law’s house on the eve of the Chinese New Year. Three generations of over a dozen members shouted “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” when they gave the toast. The entire family was bathed in the Buddha’s light.

My Parents-In-Law’s Family Members All Say Falun Dafa Is Good

When my husband and his older brother were detained in the forced labor camp, my daughter and the two daughters of the older brother were only 14, 15 and 16 years old. They believed in Falun Dafa and knew that their fathers were good people. They went to the village center and demanded that they be released. They told the officers there that their fathers didn’t do anything wrong and they believed that Falun Dafa is good. The officers threatened the children and said, “If you continue behaving like this, you will not be allowed to attend university.” My daughter said, “You don’t have the final say whether we attend university. Our Master has the final say.”

All of our children attended university. Other children were asked whether they practiced Falun Dafa before they entered university. All of our children practice Falun Dafa and are well known for that in our village. They were not asked this question before they entered university. 

When my husband and his older brother were detained, the brother’s wife, who didn’t practice Falun Dafa, was so worried that she could not do anything except lie in bed and cry. I took care of my two children, worked in the fields, and in my garden. I cooked, washed, looked after my parents-in-law and cooked for them. My sister-in-law didn’t do anything but asked the brothers and my daughter to do things for her. 

The younger brothers were worried about her and said, “Why are they so different?! Our second sister-in-law doesn’t cry at all and does everything. The oldest sister-in-law just cries all day.” My parents-in-law were convinced that I did so well because I practiced Falun Dafa. 

I was angry with my parents-in-law before I began practicing because they were not happy that I gave birth to two girls. My father-in-law got drunk and threw things around when I gave birth to my daughters. He only wanted boys who could carry the family’s surname. Because of the family situation, my health deteriorated. I couldn’t do any work. My mother-in-law treated me even worse. 

Master purified my body after I practiced Falun Dafa. I became illness-free, and I was able to do physical work and let go of my resentment towards my parents-in-law. I have the strength and patience to look after them and be good to every family member. I understand them from their perspective. When I cook anything delicious, I always ask them to come to my house. They see how wonderful Falun Dafa is. 

I often told my parents-in-law that they would be blessed if they believe that Falun Dafa is good. They were very happy about that and started practicing. My father-in-law quit smoking after he began practicing. He started smoking when he was seven years old and was addicted to tobacco. He also let go of his attachment to having sons in the family. 

Blessed by Falun Dafa

I always tried my best to help my family members. They all know that Falun Dafa is good and like to come to my home and talk to me. They also come to help me out whenever they can, even though I don’t ask them. 

All the brothers gave birth to girls, except the youngest brother whose wife gave birth to a boy. The boy was spoiled by everyone in our big family. He liked to come to my home. He lived in the city after he graduated from university and married. Every time he came to the village to visit his parents, he came to my home first. He knows how good Dafa practitioners are, and often says that I am very kind. 

Besides the boy, all my other family members, adults and children, also like to come to my home. They come and chat with me when they return from visiting other places. Even the friends and relatives who come to visit the brothers like to come to my home and visit. Whenever they have issues, they talk to me. I guide them to do things according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and they listen to me. They have had good results, and would share the good news with me when they came to see me again. My family members also always helped them willingly. 

Gradually all of our extended family members began coming to help my family. One day my husband and I demolished a wall and started to build a new wall. The youngest brother who was away came back and helped. My nephew came to help plaster. My brother finished his job in another city one week early and came home. They didn’t finish the wall that day. They came back early the next morning while we were still having breakfast. My husband said, “I can finish the job myself.” But they stayed until the job was done. 

When we were going to install a back gate, my brother asked me when we planned to do it. My husband told him that he would install it himself. My brother insisted that he help. Sometimes we didn’t want to bother them and wanted to do a job ourselves, but they always came to help us out. 

People in our village envied me very much. I told them that our family believes in Falun Dafa and is blessed by Dafa. 

My Daughters’ Families Believe in Falun Dafa

When my older daughter started dating, I told her, “We are practitioners. The boy who believes Falun Dafa is good can become a member of our family. Whoever doesn’t believe Falun Dafa is good will not.” I told her boyfriend, “All my family members practice Falun Dafa. We don’t smoke or drink.” He quit smoking and drinking. When he came to my home, we always talked about Falun Dafa. He learned the truth and understood that Falun Dafa is indeed very good, and started practicing with us. When his parents came to visit us, we clarified the truth to them. They started to practice Falun Dafa as well. 

When my younger daughter started dating, I told her that her sister was her example. She told her boyfriend that our family practices Falun Dafa and he and his family accepted it. 

But the boy still had doubts about Falun Dafa. Because he constantly came to my home, we validated Dafa through our actions. He and his parents experienced how kind and considerate Falun Dafa practitioners are and how wonderful Falun Dafa is. We clarified the truth to him. We taught our daughter to behave according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He was moved by our kindness and said Falun Dafa is good. He told my husband that his parents never talked to him like we did. He told his parents, “They practice Falun Dafa and are very kind, and always consider others first. They don’t expect any reward for their kind deeds. The entire family is very good.”

He married my younger daughter and encouraged us to practice Falun Dafa. His mother had a stroke. Half of her body was paralyzed and she couldn’t speak. He told her, “Mom, your daughter-in-law asks you to repeat ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good in your heart.’ Only Falun Dafa’s Master can save you.” She listened to her son and repeatedly said the two phrases in her heart. She was hospitalized for nine days. The medication didn’t help and she was infected with COVID, so the doctor sent her home. She was able to speak as soon as she got home, and her paralyzed body returned to normal. She also didn’t have any COVID symptoms. 

My younger daughter had a son. Once, the boy told his grandmother to come to my home so that I could teach her to practice the exercises and study the Fa. He watched the clock and reminded his mother to send forth righteous thoughts at the right time. He also reminded his grandfather not to forget his responsibility (meaning Falun Dafa) when he chatted with other people too much.

My older daughter also had a son and they visited me during the Chinese New Year. When they got out of the car, his father accidentally closed the car door on his son’s hand. His fingernail came off and he cried. I told him to ask Master to help him. He said, “Master, please help me!” Then he stopped crying. 

My brother was at my home during that time. He suggested we take him to the hospital. I said the boy stopped crying and should be okay. My brother insisted on taking him to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, he asked the boy if he was in pain. He said no. The doctor put the nail back and put some medicine on it and wrapped it up. Afterwards he played with the other boys as if nothing happened. 

When they came home, my brother asked the boy again if his finger hurt. The boy said no. When the boy played with his cousin, the cousin removed the bandage and his nail fell off again. But one month later a new nail grew in its place!

When my older son-in-law visited me, he studied the Fa and practiced the exercises with us. He didn’t believe the CCP’s propaganda about Falun Dafa. His arm was fractured at work but he didn’t feel any pain. I went to see him and said, “Your arm was fractured but you’re not in pain. Master protected you. You should tell people Falun Dafa is good.” He agreed. He told his relatives his story and that Master protected him. 

Saving More People

I am very thankful to Master for what he has done for me and my family. My gratitude to him is beyond words. 

We bought a threshing machine, and in the winter, we helped others thresh corn. I clarified the truth wherever we went. One night on our way back home, I saw a man driving a truck full of corn. He asked us to thresh corn for him the next day. I thought that I must clarify the truth to him. He said he would come the next day. But if he didn’t come, wouldn’t he miss an opportunity? I told him the facts about Falun Dafa and explained why people should withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He happily agreed to quit the CCP. 

There are no streetlights on our country roads. It was pitch dark, but I saw a Falun which kept switching colors and it led me home. I knew that Master was encouraging me to save more people. 

During the harvest season, the villagers hired temporary workers to help. I was hired as a temporary worker and met other workers and bosses. But before I clarified the truth to them, I did my job well, considered others first, did more, and took things lightly. People were happy to quit the CCP when I clarified the truth to them.

One day, several of us went to work for a man who paid us 130 yuan a day. But another man offered us 150 yuan a day. The other workers went to work for the man who offered higher wages. I didn’t go with them. 

The first man was angry and said, “They all left for the money. You can go too!” I said, “I won’t leave. I agreed to work for you. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I will keep my promise and do a good job for you. I didn’t come for money but to save you.”

He was happy and said, “I’ll pay you extra.” I said, “No need. As long as you believe Falun Dafa is good, you will stay safe when the disasters come. That’s better than you giving me money.” He said practitioners previously tried to clarify the truth to him but he didn’t listen. This time he was moved. He agreed to quit the CCP and also asked his family members to quit the Party. 

Clarifying the truth and validating the Fa is my way of life. I clarify the truth to whomever I meet. Master teaches me to be tolerant and compassionate. I don’t differentiate between people. I only save sentient beings. 

When my husband was detained, the officers from the village government, the local police station and the 610 Office constantly harassed me. I was arrested and illegally detained for nine days. I recently learned that the director of the local police station had stomach surgery to remove a tumor. I felt sorry for him. I decided to clarify the truth to him if I saw him again. 

He came to my home and said he came to see me. I invited him in and said, “I felt sorry for you when I heard that you had surgery. I’d like to have a good chat with you today. Falun Dafa’s principles, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, are the criteria to discern between good and bad. Falun Dafa practitioners speak the truth, are kind to people and consider other people first. Please do not follow the CCP to persecute good people. Good deeds are always rewarded. There are consequences in whatever you do.” He agreed and said he wouldn’t persecute practitioners any more. He was later transferred to another position. 

When the persecution had just started, the village head closely followed the CCP’s instructions, and did a lot of harm to practitioners in the village. Many villagers stopped practicing Falun Dafa. He and his family later moved to the city. They were injured when a gas cylinder exploded. 

I saw them one day and clarified the truth to them. They agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I told them to sincerely say, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and they would stay safe. They accepted my words and thanked me. I felt happy for them. 

Thank you, Master for your compassion and salvation, and for changing me from a hot-tempered person who constantly blamed others into a Falun Dafa practitioner who considers others first. Thank you, Master for your saving grace!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)