(Minghui.org) On International Human Rights day December 10, 2024, several renowned East German human rights activists came to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to peacefully protest and request to meet the newly appointed new Chinese ambassador. They handed a joint protest letter calling on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) and release all illegally detained practitioners.

The peaceful protesters include former East German human rights activist Mr. Stefan Miller, Mr. Michael Hainisch Kirch, and others.

Thirty-five years ago, they once held peaceful protests against the East German dictatorship, and to fight for the freedom of East Germans. Similarly, 35 years ago, when they learned of the massacre of unarmed students at Tiananmen Square by the CCP regime, they wrote a letter to the Chinese Embassy in Germany. They were not afraid of the CCP or East Germany’s tyranny, and wished to protest the students’ brutal killings.

Now, 35 years later, on International Human Rights day, they gathered outside the Chinese embassy and held banners with the words: “Falun Dafa Is Great,” “Stop Persecuting Falun Gong,” and “Heaven Cannot Condone Organ Harvesting.” They condemned the CCP for its crimes against humanity in the 25 year long persecution of Falun Gong.

History Will Soon Change

“What’s sad is that I have to protest outside the Chinese embassy once again. Thirty-five years ago, when we lived in East Germany, we walked onto the streets to protest the CCP’s Tiananmen massacre,” said Kirch, “Today, I want to say to Falun Gong practitioners and their family members who continue to be persecuted by the CCP: Be brave!”

He said, “History will change. Whether in China or other parts of the world, everyone can do something to bring about change. I will continue to try my best to show my support for you. This needs the support of the whole world too, particularly in Berlin, a place that witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall 35 years ago.”

Condemning the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners

Mr. Kirch’s good friend, Mr. Stefan Miller, also came to show his support for Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Miller and Mr. Kirch once risked their lives and exposed the fraudulent local elections in East Berlin in 1989. They were consequently suppressed by the East German Stasi. (The East German intelligence agency and secret police that was active between 1950 and 1990.)

Mr. Miller recalled: “Thirty five years ago, soon after the Tiananmen Massacre, Communist Party members of the East German government rushed to Beijing to congratulate those who killed the students. This made us angry. We wrote a letter to the Chinese embassy. We wanted to send the letter on June 6, 1989 but we were arrested by the East German police.”

Prior to the protest, Mr. Miller and Mr. Kirch contacted their friends who fought with them for East Germany’s freedom, and they wrote a joint letter to the current Chinese ambassador Deng Hongpo. Mr. Miller also called the Berlin police station to inform them of their plans to hold a peaceful protest outside the Chinese embassy on International Human Rights day. The police station arranged for police officers to ensure that the activity would go on smoothly that day.

Other protesters include Ms. Evelyn Zupke, who is a well known former East Germany human rights activist. She and Mr. Miller exposed fraud in East Berlin local elections. She is now the first federal commissioner for victims of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) dictatorship.

Berlin Police Turn Down Chinese Embassy’s Attempt to Stop the Protest

Before handing in the letter, Mr. Kirch first rang the bell to the Chinese embassy and requested that the ambassador come out to accept it. As expected, he did not come.

No staff from the embassy appeared in the beginning. Eventually, an employee came out. He walked to the metal fence behind the entrance towards Mr. Kirch. He seemed to change his mind and turned towards a female police officer on the other side of the fence. He tried to pressure the officer to stop this peaceful protest. The officer ignored his request and ensured that the protest went on smoothly.

The CCP Is On the Verge of Collapse

After dropping off the letter, Mr. Kirch told the embassy staff, “Release all detainees immediately.” “The CCP is ruling China now. It’s a dictatorship. I think the regime is on the brink of collapse.” “You can simply step away from the CCP.”

He also said, “Falun Dafa has profound principles – Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. People can follow these principles and everything will turn out well.”