(Minghui.org) My cousin who is the vice president of a school in the town, visited my sister in the summer of 2005. My mother talked with him about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) true nature and its brutal persecution of Falun Dafa. He couldn’t accept what she said, and said, “If I were Jiang Zemin (the former head of the CCP who started the persecution in 1999), I would suppress it too!” My mother was disappointed.

When my cousin woke up the next morning, his voice was so hoarse he couldn’t speak. He immediately went to get treatment from his wife, who was a doctor. After receiving infusions for three days, his symptoms worsened, and the throat pain was unbearable. He went to the ENT department of the No. 1 Municipal Hospital in the city. The doctor told him that his condition was serious, possibly laryngeal cancer, and suggested that he be admitted and have a biopsy.

My cousin visited my sister. When he saw me, he exclaimed, “The doctor said I have laryngeal cancer.”

I said, “I’m sorry to hear that. But do you remember what happened the day before you became sick? When my mother told you that Falun Dafa is great, it teaches people to be good, and has amazing effects in dispelling illnesses and improving health, you said that if you were Jiang Zemin, you would suppress Falun Dafa too.”

I also told him that divine beings are higher lives than humans and that the CCP wants to destroy human beings. I told him about the great physical and mental changes my mother experienced after she practiced Falun Dafa.

He listened and said, “If you believe it, so do I.” He agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its associated organizations. He took a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, when he left.

A few days after he read the book his sore throat gradually disappeared and his hoarse voice returned to normal. When he went to the hospital for a follow-up examination, the doctor said he had laryngitis and a biopsy was not necessary. My cousin was very pleased.

After that, he was less interested in attending Party activities.

However, after he retired in 2016, he was hired as the secretary of the Retirees’ branch of the Party and became immersed in the Party culture again.

In October 2022, he was diagnosed with femoral head necrosis (loss of blood supply to a hip bone) and hospitalized for over a month. He had to use a wheelchair for several months.

At the beginning of last year, he came to my mother’s 90th birthday banquet and was using crutches. I gave him a booklet about how Falun Dafa blessed people and the book The Ultimate Purpose of Communism.

One night, a few months later, I called and asked him how he was doing. He said, “I’ve gotten better. The book you gave me is so well-written.”

Last New Year, I met him at the wedding of his cousin’s son. He had changed a lot. He was no longer arrogant and was modest and courteous. He told me that he resigned from his position as Party secretary and made a clear break with the CCP.

Our family has four daughters and two sons. Now, there are 32 members in our family, five of whom practice Falun Dafa and seven who have read or are currently reading Zhuan Falun. The whole family has witnessed how miraculous Falun Dafa is. My youngest brother, who had cirrhosis of the liver in 2022, recovered after practicing Falun Dafa for six months. My husband, who had a stroke in 2012, recovered within a week. Especially notable is my 90-year-old mother. She hasn’t taken a pill since she started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. She was illiterate but was able to read the Falun Dafa books.