(Minghui.org) I’ve always been careful about cell phone security and which software I install. I didn’t think I was as obsessed with my phone as others were.

However, my cultivation state declined significantly, especially this past year. I participated in fewer and fewer truth-clarification projects. I couldn’t calm down when I sent righteous thoughts, and I no longer did all the exercises. My fear increased. I had no patience while helping my children with their homework, and I yelled at them at the slightest provocation.

I was surprised by how I changed. How did I get like this? I felt anxious and tried various things to change my state, but I couldn’t keep it up for more than a few days before I went back to the way I was. I was very distressed.

The other day after I read a sharing article on Minghui.org that talked about how cellphones pollute our minds, I realized that I had to give up my habit of browsing on my phone.

I thought I didn’t look at my phone often, but I picked it up whenever I had a moment—between tasks at work, and sometimes when I needed to look up information for work. I thought it was okay to check it occasionally.

Because I didn’t look at it for long stretches of time, I became less vigilant and picked up my phone whenever I had spare time. It gradually became a habit.

Today’s cell phones are filled with all kinds of corrupt and wicked substances, such as things influenced by communism, lust, and other depraved elements. Whatever we are interested in will show up.

Our bodies are like containers. When we study the Fa or do the exercises, we are cleansing our containers. But when we look at our phones repeatedly every day, we are constantly pouring filthy substances into our containers. The longer we look, the more dirt accumulates in our container.

After I broke the habit of browsing my phone, my mind became clear again, and I could see my attachments. My righteous thoughts grew stronger, and my body felt lighter. It’s also easier for me to get up in the morning to do the exercises. Of course, I still need to persevere.

I didn’t realize that cell phones could be so harmful. I was almost ruined but I didn’t realize it! Fortunately, fellow cultivators occasionally reminded me.

We must be vigilant. A phone is addictive, just like certain drugs. It’s not that I’ll be fine if I take just a little bit, because a little bit every day accumulates over time and eventually becomes a powerful addiction. It can ruin a cultivator!