(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Shortly after I started, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its cruel persecution of Dafa practitioners. During my cultivation I became negligent, so my health noticeably deteriorated, and past illnesses recurred. Fortunately, Master gave me many hints, which awakened me. I sincerely felt that Master had not abandoned me. I truly immersed myself in cultivation in 2004. Since then, my family and I have experienced many miraculous manifestations of Dafa.

A Guide Who Appeared and Then Disappeared Suddenly

One night in July 2011, my wife and I, both practitioners, set out to distribute truth-clarification materials, hang banners, and distribute banners with truth slogans in a town. This town was quite far from our home, requiring us to cross mountains and valleys. We proceeded toward our destination, and smoothly and successfully carried out our tasks.

By the time we finished distributing the materials, it was already 3:30 a.m., and we prepared to return home. However, on the way back, we got lost and couldn’t find our way out of the confusing mountain paths. Being quite anxious, we suddenly thought: We are cultivators, and have Master watching over us.

We asked Master to guide us home. Just then, a man with a handcart appeared in front of us. I asked him for directions, and he told us to follow him. After a while, as we were approaching a main road, he suddenly vanished, and although we looked around we couldn’t find him anywhere. We realized it was Master who was helping us. Otherwise, how could a mysterious man with a handcart suddenly appear in the middle of the night? This was indeed a miraculous manifestation of Falun Dafa!

Mystical Electric Vehicle

One morning in June 2017, at 6:20 a.m., I was driving an electric vehicle, with a cart, to a town market. Several practitioners were on the cart, and our purpose was to clarify the truth to help Master save people. Upon arriving at the market, we split up to talk to people and help them quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Before we knew it, it was already 10 a.m.

On our way back, and still about 10 kilometers from home, the electric vehicle suddenly stopped and wouldn’t move. We found out that the battery was depleted. Everyone became anxious—what could we do? We were outdoors and didn’t have a battery charger with us.

As we were at a loss, I immediately thought: We are Dafa practitioners, and have Master looking after us. We can ask Master for help in times of trouble.

So, my wife, and another practitioner, talked to the vehicle: “Today we are doing the sacred work of saving sentient beings. You should cooperate well and show us a miracle to help us get home smoothly.” Then everyone joined in shouting: “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” I then tried to start the vehicle, and instantly the display showed the battery was full. We restarted the cart and happily resumed our journey home. Once again, we experienced the miraculous power of Dafa.

A Warning of Immediate Karmic Retribution

My wife and I were born in the same county. We worked in a different county when we grew up, and after retirement, moved back to the county where we were born, to live a quieter life. However, on September 15, 2022, a group of 16 people, including personnel from the political and legal systems of both counties, as well as the administrative supervisors from my workplace, barged into our home and conducted an unreasonable search. My wife told them firmly: “As public officials, you are violating the law by entering a private residence without permission, conducting an illegal search, and infringing on our rights. You are breaking the law. How can you claim to govern according to the law?” They were speechless. In the end, except for the 610 Office personnel and the workplace’s administrative supervisors, the rest of the group left.

Then, the administrative supervisors from my workplace demanded that I give up my cultivation and sign a “transformation” statement. At that moment, Master’s teachings rang in my ears: “No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil’s demands, orders, or what it instigates.” (Dafa Disciples’ Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful, The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

I told them: “I cannot sign it, as my not signing is actually for your own good. Persecuting true faith is a crime, and when the CCP collapses in the future, these crimes will be accounted for. If I sign, you will have an additional crime on your record. Engaging in this work itself is a crime.”

The deputy director of my workplace tried to shirk responsibility and told us that they were only following orders, so the responsibility lies with those higher up. I responded: “When that day comes, your superiors will also be on trial, and if they cannot protect themselves, who will protect you? You will only face the consequences.”

Before I could finish speaking, the deputy director suddenly collapsed on the ground with a thud. Those with him quickly took him to a hospital, but the hospital refused to admit him and told them to return him home.

The 610 Office agents saw this scene and were immediately disheartened. The deputy director of the 610 Office timidly asked: “Why did your deputy director collapse?”

I replied: “This is a divine warning, telling you to abandon evil and embrace goodness. Otherwise, today it is him, and tomorrow it could be you.” The deputy director was visibly shaken, and the group quietly left my home.