(Minghui.org) I’m 79 years old and was fortunate to start practicing Falun Dafa in May 1995. I have followed Master Li’s teachings to truly cultivate myself and assimilate to the Fa. As a result, my moral standard (xinxing) has greatly improved, and my body has been completely purified.

A Life Reborn in Dafa

I used to suffered from all kinds of ailments, such as arteriosclerosis, hyperviscosity syndrome, intrahepatic bile duct stones, and cervical spondylosis. In particular, I had bone hyperplasia in both knees, which prevented me from walking normally. I had to take a lot of painkillers and other medications. For eight long years, I took pills every day, which greatly impacted my quality of life. The doctor told me I would need to take them for the rest of my life.

I was very fortunate to start practicing Falun Dafa in 1995. Compassionate Master and Dafa saved me and made me completely illness free. I have not taken a single pill for the past 27 years, and I did not get vaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic. I went to the grocery store and other places as usual and was never infected. Being free of illness has become my normal state.

My husband used to suffer from cervical spondylosis, a herniated disc, and heart disease. He has been reading Zhuan Falun since January 1998 and truly cultivating in Dafa since September of that year. In less than six months, his heart disease and other health problems disappeared completely. Unfortunately, he stopped cultivating when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, and some of his conditions recurred.

He finally made up his mind to practice Falun Dafa again in July 2005. Miraculously, he quit smoking five days later. Three months after that, his kidney stones disappeared. All his health problems disappeared in six months, which was verified by a physical exam. A large bone spur in his spine and the stones in his gallbladder were completely dissolved.

Avoiding Danger with Master’s Protection

My husband and I have avoided numerous dangerous situations with Master’s protection. We have personally witnessed the miracle of Dafa and Master’s infinite compassion and boundless divine powers.

Not long after my husband started practicing Dafa, he and one of his supervisors went on a business trip on October 13, 1998. It was getting dark, and their car collided with another vehicle. The supervisor, who was sitting in the back, had his arm crushed in two places and was in the hospital for a long time. My husband, who was driving, hit his head on the windshield and cracked it, but his forehead wasn’t cut or swollen and didn’t hurt.

I was riding my bicycle to work on a one-way street in 1998. I was in the right-hand lane but I needed to move to the left lane before the roundabout, so I checked behind me before I crossed over. All of a sudden, the right wheel of the car coming from behind was less than an inch away from me. Without thinking, I said, “Don’t hit me.” Magically, the car stopped. Master protected me from a dangerous accident.

Assimilating to the Qualities of Dafa

In many lectures, Master has asked Dafa practitioners to study the Fa well. I have always put studying the Fa and reciting the Fa as my first priority for more than 20 years.

For a year beginning in August 1997, I used my time after work to transcribe Zhuan Falun for the first time. I also wrote down the date every time I finished reading Zhuan Falun to remind myself to study the Fa well.

The environment became increasingly tense for Dafa practitioners after April 25, 1999. I then felt more of an urgency to study the Fa well and started to transcribe Zhuan Falun for the second time from April 30 to July 30. I had already transcribed Zhuan Falun twice and read the book more than 20 times when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution. This really played a critical role in helping me firmly believe in Master and the Fa under such extreme pressure and to not to fall prey to the CCP’s slanderous propaganda campaign.

I always wanted to memorize Zhuan Falun but worried that it would affect my Fa-study. I finally made up my mind to memorize Zhuan Falun in February 2004 at the age of 60, after I had read Zhuan Falun 302 times.

Master said,

“My fashen know everything—they know everything on your mind, and they can do anything. If you do not cultivate, they will not take care of you. If you do cultivate, they will help you all the way to the end.” (Lecture Four, Zhuan Falun)

I even witnessed an illiterate man in his 70s learn to read Zhuan Falun fluently. I understood that, as long as my mind is on the Fa and I have the perseverance and willpower, Master will strengthen me.

After thinking through how I could memorize the Fa without missing a single word, I came up with a method. I first read one paragraph repeatedly to memorize it. I then covered the paragraph with a thick sheet of paper, recited the first two lines, then moved the paper down to see how accurate I was. I kept reciting and kept moving the paper down until I could firmly memorize each paragraph.

I have been reading and reciting the Fa for 19 years. I have recited Zhuan Falun 437 times and read through it 817 times. The entire book consists of nine lectures, 60 sections, 601 paragraphs, and 332 pages [in Chinese]. I would never have been able to memorize it without Master’s strengthening and Dafa’s divine power. I truly feel that the “heavenly book” Zhuan Falun has been imprinted in my heart.

I’m deeply grateful to Master for helping me fulfill my dream of memorizing the Fa and letting me witness the greatness of Dafa. I will continue reading and reciting the Fa until the day I can return to my true home with Master.

Master Helps Repair My Computer

With no prior knowledge of computers or even what a mouse was, I started learning to browse the internet in June 2009 when I was almost 70 years old. Over time, I learned how to download Minghui Weekly, Master’s new lectures, and practitioners’ sharing articles. I also learned how to submit the list of people who wanted to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. For more than a decade, on special days I have sent my sincere congratulations and infinite gratitude to Master via Minghui.org and feel that I am part of the global community of practitioners.

My computer, however, did not stop updating for four days late last year and kept displaying the message “updating your system.” After consulting a technical practitioner, I shut my computer down. When I rebooted it, all the icons on the main page had disappeared, and I couldn’t restore them no matter how I tried.

The next day, the technical practitioner told me that she wouldn’t be able to come help me for a while because her father was ill. I felt helpless as I hadn’t sent my New Year’s greetings to Master, and I needed to download the latest issue of Minghui Weekly in a few days.

At 11 a.m., I put my hands together in front my chest, stood in front of Master’s portrait, and sincerely asked for help: “Master, there is a problem with my computer, and I don’t know how to repair it. I want to send New Year’s greetings and download Minghui Weekly. Please help me fix my computer. I will learn the operations to fix this issue in the future. Please help me. Thank you, Master!”

I then turned on my computer and waited. Suddenly, I saw an icon flashing in the notification bar on the far right side of my desktop. I clicked it and then one of the icons without thinking. A familiar page appeared in front of me, and everything was completely restored back to normal.

I burst into tears of joy, knelt in front of Master’s portrait, and thanked him for his compassion.

With great gratitude to Master, I added the following preface to the poem I was about to send to Minghui.org as a greeting to Master,

“Master, I am so lucky that I can cultivate Dafa and return to my true home with you in this life. I am so blessed that you are always by my side to protect and help me. I have witnessed the miracles and boundless power of Dafa time and time again. Please rest assured, Master. No matter how long it takes or how many obstacles are out there, I will follow you without hesitation, cultivate myself well to the end, fulfill my mission, and be worthy of your compassionate salvation.”

Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!