(Minghui.org) The fifth Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in German-speaking Switzerland took place in Schuepfheim on October 20, 2024, drawing practitioners from Switzerland, Germany, and France.

Twenty-one practitioners shared how they followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance while helping with Shen Yun, participating in the media and events to introduce Falun Dafa, and in their daily lives. By looking within and improving their xinxing during conflicts, they were able to overcome difficulties and realize that Master’s arrangements are the best. They were very thankful to Master Li (the founder of Falun Dafa) for his compassion.

The fifth Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in German-speaking Switzerland was held in Schuepfheim on October 20.

Practitioners shared their cultivation experiences.

Group photo of practitioners who attended the conference

The Importance of Faith in Master and Falun Dafa

When Shen Yun Performing Arts came to Basel, Lorenz was responsible for purchasing dry ice. He was notified after the first show that the quality of the dry ice was substandard. A new batch of dry ice was needed by noon the following day. Because dry ice is generally not in stock and usually not produced in Switzerland on weekends, finding suitable dry ice between Friday midnight and noon on Saturday and getting it shipped to the theater seemed like a “mission impossible.”

Lorenz eliminated these human notions and called a supplier’s emergency number. After he explained Shen Yun’s mission and what the issue was, the supplier, like Lorenz, believed a miracle would happen and agreed to help. All the practitioners supporting Shen Yun in Basal thought the same, and they also sent forth righteous thoughts. Another practitioner booked a truck to ship the dry ice.

Nearly 10 hours later, Lorenz got a message that was hard to believe: There was ready-made dry ice near Basel and it was exactly the amount they needed. The shipment arrived in time for the afternoon show and the quality was perfect. In addition, the company that rented them the truck gave them a 50% discount even though the practitioner did not have a discount code.

From this experience, Lorenz understood that Master’s arrangements are the best. “I realized the importance of faith in Master and Dafa. When I fully follow the cultivation path Master arranges and give it my full support with no negative notions, everything falls into place. Even everyday people were sincerely willing to help us and even thanked us for the opportunity to do so,” he said.

Witnessing Miracles

Laetitia’s experiences have convinced her beyond a doubt that Falun Dafa is powerful. Despite her lifelong social anxiety, she was able to act in a drama and then became a reporter who has interviewed all kinds of people for a news media. She knows all this is possible because she practices Falun Dafa.

Once, after interviewing a renowned journalist, Laetitia discovered that the audio file was in the wrong format and couldn’t be used. Realizing this was related to her cultivation, she spent more time studying Dafa’s teachings and sending righteous thoughts. Another interview with the journalist went well except that the assistant Laetitia had hired (who was not a practitioner) unplugged the equipment before the audio file was saved.

Although at first she was angry, she later calmed down. From despair and even thoughts of resigning from media work, she was encouraged by other practitioners who encouraged her to look within and follow Master’s arrangement while contacting an expert to see if the first file could be retrieved. As she did so, Laetitia found she was too attached to her own image and reputation, which made her unwilling to tell the journalist about the failed interview and unwilling to look inward to improve.

A week later, when the expert suggested she try to open the audio file again, Laetitia made up her mind to fully believe in and trust Master. “Master will decide whether or not I need a third interview. I won’t be angry or feel that the situation is unfair,” she said. Listening to the fully recovered audio file the following day, Laetitia was very calm: “It was as if the file was there all along in another dimension. Master was waiting for me to let go of my attachments. I’m very thankful to Master because he helped me bear the karma and arranged for a happy outcome.”

Making the Best of Opportunities to Improve Oneself

Diep Le said she realized that many of life’s opportunities, big or small, can help her to improve. Once on a midnight flight, the plane couldn’t land due to poor weather. As it circled the airport, she thought, “Why am I encountering this? It could be a reminder that I should make progress instead of spinning around in my cultivation. I need to make up my mind to improve myself instead of just staying within my comfort zone.”

After the plane landed, Le reflected on why this happened. “As a practitioner, I may encounter all kinds of turbulence, but I need to remain determined and focus on eliminating my attachments. Things will be fine if I do,” she recalled. While the other passengers applauded the successful landing, Le was grateful to Master for the opportunity to look within.

Yijun lost her job during a company reorganization. Another company responded to her job application and the position was ideal. However, when she first joined the workforce over 10 years ago, this company had fired her before her probationary period was over. Yijun didn’t know if she should tell the interviewer about this. If she did, she might lose the opportunity, but if she didn’t, she wasn’t being truthful.

In the end, she decided to share the information. Feedback from the company was positive and Yijun also felt she had let go of the attachment to reputation. Although she didn’t get the position, she found many attachments were removed in the process, including fear of making mistakes and pursuit. She realized this incident happened so she could improve. “We often encounter tribulations. We need to realize they happen because of our karma and we need to eliminate attachments during the process to improve ourselves,” she said.

Young Practitioners

Of the young practitioners who spoke, one was 20-year-old Jerome. His parents began practicing Falun Dafa before he was born, and he followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at school, in his family, and later at work.

For example, his supervisor at work often made inappropriate jokes. This helped Jerome cultivate forbearance and overcome fear. After he had a frank discussion with the supervisor, the problem was resolved. In another incident, he lost an expensive camera. That made him realize he was too attached to it. When he participated in a summer camp organized by practitioners, he could see his selfishness and pursuit of fame, and realized he needed to be more considerate of others.

Another practitioner who is studying for her Ph.D. said she began practicing with her parents when she was a child. But she later gradually drifted away. After reading Master’s recent articles “How Humankind Came To Be” and “Why Save Sentient Beings,” she decided to resume cultivating. Her body was cleansed, her temper improved, and life was good. Even her graduate thesis went well, and she could feel Master’s encouragement. “I feel so fortunate. I really want to thank Master Li for everything,” she said.

Improving Together

It was already dusk when the conference concluded. Those who attended said they were very thankful for this event because they learned how to look within better and improve themselves. Some said this was a special gift from Master, while others said they were inspired to be more diligent on their remaining cultivation path.