(Minghui.org) A Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at the Heping Basketball Stadium in Taipei on October 20, 2024. An estimated 6,000 practitioners attended the conference.

Around 6,000 practitioners attended the cultivation experience sharing conference held in Taipei on October 20, 2024.

The atmosphere was solemn and peaceful. Nineteen practitioners of different ages and occupations shared their journeys of saving sentient beings in their respective environments and through regular Fa study.

Their stories were filled with laughter and tears, their conviction to overcome difficulties and move forward without stopping, the joy of having the opportunity to practice cultivation, and gratitude for Master’s immense compassion.

Practitioners talked about their cultivation experiences.

Changing People Through the Power of Compassion

Xuan Ting from Taidong makes phone calls to China to tell people about the persecution. When many practitioners were detained and tortured in a city in northeast China, she called the police officers in that city. During the first two phone calls, the other party listened quietly as she explained the facts. During the third call, the person at the other end suddenly said, “We will release the three practitioners you mentioned tomorrow.” The next day, she learned that indeed the practitioners were released and returned home.

She observed that through the power of compassion, many police officers in China learned the truth about Falun Gong and over 2,000 people in the legal and police system have quit the CCP. Her husband, who used to be strongly against her practice, changed his attitude and reminded her to make more phone calls to save people after Xuan Ting improved her own character.

Persisting in Learning Animation

Gen Jie went to the U.S. in 2000 to help with stage design for NTDTV’s Chinese New Year Gala. He was asked to create a flying horse in 3D animation, which was a completely new thing for him. He learned from scratch and managed to create the required image after much hard work. However it resembled a “flying dog” and became a joke.

Soon after, his father passed away. Faced with the double blow of a failed creation and the loss of a loved one, he overcame difficulties, one after another, through regular Fa study. He said he felt as if he was cleansed and encouraged every time he read the Fa. He continued learning how to do animation and kept striving for excellence, analyzing every detail until he designed a vivid flying horse.

He dreamed someone was calling his name, and the next day, he was told to start designing backdrops. Through this extraordinary experience he realized everything came from Master’s compassion. Humans are not capable. However, through studying the Fa with a quiet mind, improving one’s character, no matter how hard it is, as long as there is Master and the Fa, anything can be accomplished.

Reading Zhuan Falun a Thousand Times

Xiao Lan is a manager in a software company. He experienced the amazing benefits of studying and memorizing the Fa when he first began to practice cultivation. In 2015, due to flexibility of work hours, he had more time to memorize the Fa—and he went from memorizing Zhuan Falun cover to cover in a year to memorizing the book once every 6 days. To date he’s read Zhuan Falun more than 1,000 times. Each time he reads, he discovers new things.

To reach his goal of reciting the book once every six days, he often recites while taking public transport, walking, doing household chores, and so on.

The power of the Fa not only helped Xiao Lan recover from a major illness, it also helped him get rid of many attachments and human notions. He said that persisting in studying and memorizing the Fa is the fundamental basis for walking well on the path of cultivation.

Saving Sentient Beings with Minghui Weekly

Shu Yun retired from working in a government organization last year and became a member of a conciliation committee. She talked about her experiences while distributing Minghui Weekly.

A lawyer who read Master’s article “How Humankind Came to Be” published in Minghui Weekly told her that this was the best gift Master Li gave people. It also had a lasting and positive impact on his life. In her spare time, Shu Yun often shares the content of the publication with people. Many not only accept it, they also take one for colleagues.

During the intermission at her conciliation meetings, Shu Yun hands out Minghui Weekly. Parties who are involved in disagreements give in after reading the paper, and many cases were thus resolved. Shu Yun says that as long as one has the heart to save people, the power of Dafa is constantly encouraging us to use every opportunity to save sentient beings.

Teaching Students the Principles of Dafa

Yu Qing, a primary school teacher, shows her students information about Shen Yun and teaches them to read Hong Yin and Zhuan Falun during afternoon breaks. The boys who used to be aggressive learned to control their anger. The girls smile when they are reminded to “look within” while in the midst of an argument. Her students often write: “I will always remember Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance and be a truthful, kind and tolerant person.”

Last year, a colleague who was supposed to take on the role of school year representative turned down the responsibility. Yu Qing offered to shoulder the responsibility. She said, in the past, when she invited her colleague to see Shen Yun, he just smiled but said nothing. This year, he asked her to help him buy tickets to the show. She realized that taking on the responsibility of school year representative was a cultivation test.

She also invited nearly 50 teachers and students to see Shen Yun. To her, telling people Shen Yun is here is the mission of Dafa disciples. Whether they choose to see the show is their choice. We should not be attached to results.

Young Practitioner Overcomes Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Yi Qi, who studies music at Niao Song Arts High School, once suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder. It got so bad that he couldn’t take care of himself.

An education and training lecturer at his mother’s workplace practices Falun Dafa. When she learned of his situation, she read Zhuan Falun with him. Yi Qi realized it was a precious book. Now, whenever he feels depressed, he reads the book. He discovered that the more he reads the book, the stronger his righteous thoughts become.

He also attended the nine-day Falun Dafa introductory class. In two months time, he went through a great change and was able to return to school, as well as lead a normal life. He said that he is grateful to Master for helping him recover from his disorder, improve his relationship with his younger brother, and care for his family. He hopes to work harder at home and in his studies to show how wonderful Falun Dafa is.

Returning to Cultivation

Zi Tian began practicing Falun Dafa with his parents when he was 5 years old. While he attended university, he skipped classes and played computer games. He became bad tempered and his relationship with family deteriorated. When he woke up vomiting blood one day, he felt his life was in crisis.

He suddenly realized that he must return to cultivation, and felt that without Dafa, he was nothing. He regretted not cherishing the opportunity to practice cultivation. However, Master did not give up on him. When he started to do the exercises again, he stopped vomiting blood overnight.

He returned to his hometown to start a practice site. He invited other young practitioners to join in group morning exercises, Fa study and exchanging cultivation experiences. He also encouraged them to join in truth clarification projects. Soon, everyone experienced changes physically and mentally. Zi Tian realized that it’s a great blessing to be able to practice Falun Dafa.

New Practitioner

Yun Qin from Kaohsiung was a businessman, and began practicing Falun Dafa a few months ago. In 1997, he opened a factory in Dongguan, Guangdong and earned more than 100 million yuan in 6 months. However, things did not go smoothly. His books were audited by the tax department, he was embroiled in a lawsuit, had a major car accident and his customers went bankrupt. He met a practitioner who introduced him to Dafa and began to practice cultivation.

He witnessed how extraordinary Dafa is. One morning, he seemed to see Master’s law body guiding him. Another time, while he did the standing exercises, he felt his body become tall and big, and that the stars in the sky suddenly entered his body. Such amazing experiences strengthened his faith in Dafa. He began to tell people how wonderful Dafa is.

He is grateful to find Dafa in the final stages of Fa rectification, and the only way he can repay Master is to catch up and practice cultivation diligently!