(Minghui.org) Working in police departments under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime is not an aboveboard career path, as the employees not only have to observe and follow upper management’s wishes, but also have to perform tasks that violate the law and their consciences, such as persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. However, the people involved tend to be blind to the truth and unaware of the consequences of their actions.

Falun Gong practitioners kindly awaken the police through telephone calls and in-person conversations by raising awareness of the nature of the CCP and the persecution of the spiritual practice. Below are a few stories about how several police officers changed their attitudes about Falun Gong after listening to practitioners’ explain things.

Deputy Director of a Public Security Department Wants to Learn More

A practitioner dialed the number of a Public Security Department deputy director. After the officer picked up the phone, the practitioner told her about the wickedness of the communist party. The practitioner said, “You’re an insider, so you know better than I do.”

The practitioner gave her the website addresses for software that bypasses the CCP’s information censorship. The practitioner was concerned that the deputy director would not remember everything if too much information was given, so the practitioner gave her a little information first and then waited for her response. The deputy director asked, “Is there any other information?”

The practitioner then played a recording about the Falun Gong Protection Act that was passed in the United States House of Representatives. After listening to the recording, the deputy director asked, “What other information do you have?”

Because she wanted to hear more, the practitioner played recordings explaining that China is not the CCP and about cases where people who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners suffered karmic retribution. She listened to them all and then said, “I have noted all of this. Do you have any other information?”

The practitioner thought that communist party officials these days really want to learn more outside information. The practitioner explained why she should quit the CCP and then asked her, “How about you quit your Party membership?” The deputy director replied, “Sure, thank you.”

Police Station Director Moved by Practitioner’s Compassion

A practitioner outside China called the director of a police station. At first, he swore a lot at the practitioner and said, “You people who practice Falun Gong call me all the time. Where are you? I will come arrest you!”

The practitioner calmed down for a moment and then said with a smile, “Please cool off for a moment. I will tell you a story. Would you like to hear it?” The director did not say anything, so the practitioner narrated her personal experience.

She had been reported for giving out materials in China. When the police raided her home, they found Falun Gong materials. The director of the local police station personally investigated the source of the materials. The practitioner was telling the director why she gave out the materials, and the director wrote something down as he was listening. He then asked the practitioner to sign what he had written. The practitioner discovered that the director had made up a story. He wrote that the materials were placed in the bike basket by someone when the practitioner’s relative rode the bike on an outing, and the relative then took the materials home without noticing. After the practitioner read the story, she told the director, “Sorry, I can’t sign it. This relative did not bring me the materials, so I cannot frame him.” The director said, “I’m doing this to save you. It can also save the person who printed the materials.” He submitted the report he had written, and the practitioner was released a short time later. Three months later, the practitioner was passing by the police station and decided to go in to visit the director. She learned that the director had been promoted to director of the department of transportation.

After the practitioner finished narrating this experience, she asked the director on the phone, “Do you think he was rewarded for doing a good deed? What do you think of the wisdom of this director?”

The director was silent for a while. The practitioner then told him about the CCP’s history of getting rid of perpetrators once they cease to be useful. The director’s attitude changed and said, “I appreciate you. I know you are looking out for me.”

Police Officer Deep in Thought After a Practitioner Explains Principles

A practitioner outside of China dialed a number. Both sides greeted each other, and the receiver said that he was a police officer. The practitioner said: “Police also need to learn the truth about Falun Gong.” He yelled aggressively, “Don’t tell me. Tell me your ID number, what your name is, and where you are.”

The practitioner urged him, “Young man, don’t be so angry. Let’s chat for a little while.” He said, “Okay, let’s chat. You talk more.”

The practitioner could tell that he was not truly interested in chatting, but wanted to track her location while they were talking. The practitioner then told him the CCP’s history of getting rid of perpetrators once they ceased to be useful. She asked him, “You’re a police officer. Is your position as high as that of Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai, and Zhou Yongkang [former high ranking CCP officials who are imprisoned now]?” He answered, “Of course not.”

The practitioner asked, “Where are those three now? In Qincheng Prison, right? After the Cultural Revolution, more than 800 police officers from Beijing were secretly executed in Yunnan Province. Liu Chuanxin, the director of the Public Security Department in Beijing, died of so-called suicide. Did you know these things?” He responded, “I didn't know.” The practitioner then explained to him all the ins and outs.

The practitioner then asked him, “The Public Security department has now implemented a life-long responsibility system for cases, as well as a system to go back and re-investigate the responsible parties in wrongfully prosecuted cases. Do you know about this?” He said he did not know. The practitioner continued, “You don’t even know about these things. Young fellow, aren’t you putting yourself in a dangerous situation?” He became anxious and said, “How could you talk to me like this?”

The practitioner responded, “You’re persecuting Falun Gong practitioners today. Who is going to pay the bill for you in the future? Your boss will not; the communist Party certainly will not. Do you know what you’ll be facing?”

The police officer’s belligerent tone was gone, just like a deflated balloon. He was silent for quite a while.

Retired Director of the Public Security Department Quits the CCP

A practitioner in China ran into a retired Public Security Department director on the street. The practitioner ran up to him and said, “You were in public security for so many years and have been an upright person. You never persecuted people alongside the communist party.” He was happy to hear that.

The practitioner advised him to quit the CCP. He was surprised and paused for a moment. The practitioner said, “Don’t be afraid. You’re already retired, so your life is what is most important. When you joined the Party, you swore that you would fight for communism all your life. That’s a poisonous vow. The communist party is a bad thing that always launches movements and has persecuted so many Chinese people to death. Heaven will punish it and it is near its demise. If you fight for it your whole life, you’re still a member of it, so won’t you be buried along with it? You were not corrupt; did not do anything like take bribes, look for prostitutes, or gamble; you did not lie or commit fraud. You were an official with integrity. Don’t be part of the communist party.”

He then asked, “How do I quit?” The practitioner responded, “No need to quit through its system. I will help you quit.” Before parting ways, he took some materials with him.