(Minghui.org) Practitioners in our Fa study group often talk about how their children are being brainwashed at school by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture, the fallacies of atheism, and the harmful things they see on mobile phones. The parents said these phenomena make them feel helpless. 

After discussing it, we worked out a way to help the children. We encouraged them to read articles on Minghui Weekly and write down their understandings and experiences. The results have been good, and so we will continue doing this. The following is an experience-sharing article a 6th grade student wrote after reading God’s Grace:

I feel very fortunate to have read the book God’s Grace today and to have gained some deep insights.

We were born as human beings, so we must be virtuous. Talking about virtue, it is not something that is just on the surface, but more importantly, it is also internalized in our hearts. Being virtuous means that one not only does good deeds but also has kind thoughts, which are the basis of a person’s kind conduct. The two aspects complement each other and are indispensable. The phrase “Accumulating virtue and doing good deeds” explains the same principle. 

Some people say, “Studying Dafa can save one’s life.” It is truly so. But what kind of person can the Fa save? Can it save someone who just reads a few pages of the book Zhuan Falun, who can clearly recite the two auspicious phrases (Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.) without genuinely believing in Master and the Fa, and having no kind thoughts in their hearts? It cannot. 

There is an example of this principle in God’s Grace: It describes a man who always accumulated virtue and did good deeds in his daily life. However, he fell ill and was in critical condition. His son told him to recite “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and encouraged him to study Zhuan Falun with him. Gradually, the man’s illness disappeared, and he regained health. His son told him that it was Master Li [the founder of Falun Dafa] who saved his life. 

This story tells us that a person can be saved only by truly believing in Master and the Fa and accumulating virtue from doing good deeds. On the other hand, if one lacks virtue and does bad deeds, no matter how well or often one recites the two auspicious phrases, Dafa may not be able to save that person’s life. 

The above are some insights I’ve gained from reading God’s Grace. One must do good deeds and accumulate virtue, have firm faith in Master and Dafa, and only then can one survive dire situations.