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Chongqing Woman, 38, Jailed for Her Faith in Falun Gong

Sept. 6, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) It was learned in late August 2023 that a 38-year-old Chongqing resident has been admitted to Chongqing City Women’s Prison to serve time for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Yang Chunrong (also known as Ms. Yang Xu) was arrested on April 22, 2021 and sentenced to six years and nine months in April 2023. 

Taking Up Falun Gong After Realizing the Illegality of the Persecution

Ms. Yang suffered all kinds of ailments from head to toe in her 20s, including dry eyes, problems with the spinal disks in her neck, frozen shoulder, gynecological diseases, gastroptosis (downward displacement of the stomach), and uterine prolapse. She tried all kinds of medical treatments, but none had any effect. 

She later landed a job at a physical therapy center and tried physical therapy on herself, but to no avail. She also took numerous supplements, but saw no improvement in her health. She was even duped into purchasing a mattress (for 20,000 yuan) that the seller claimed could heal all illnesses once people slept on it at night. None of her symptoms were healed as promised.

In August 2012, Ms. Yang learned about the Chinese Communist Party’s ruthless persecution of Falun Gong and realized that she had been deceived by the communist regime into harboring hatred toward this ancient mind and body practice. She read Falun Gong books and was drawn to the profound teachings. She took up Falun Gong and was surprised to see her illnesses quickly disappear. 

Arrested Along with Three Other Practitioners

Ms. Yang and three other practitioners, including Ms. Zhu Zonglan, around 40, Ms. Zhu Meiying, 51 and Ms. Ye Wenxiu, 76, were arrested on April 22, 2021, while they were studying Falun Gong teachings together. The police ransacked their residences and confiscated their Falun Gong related items and some cash.

The four practitioners were held in the Banan District Detention Center. Although Ms. Ye was released, she was arrested again later on and given an unknown prison sentence at the Chongqing Women’s Prison. 

Ms. Yang and Ms. Zhu Zonglan stood trial at the Jiulongpo District Court on October 24, 2022. The prosecutor cited evidence fabricated by the police, accusing Ms. Yang of possessing over 10,000 copies of Falun Gong materials. The police-provided evidence also included audio recordings of her young child being forced to read slanderous lies about her. 

In early April 2023, Ms. Yang was sentenced to six years and nine months and Ms. Zhu Zonglan was given four years. 

It is unknown whether Ms. Zhu Meiying was subjected to prosecution.

Related Report:

Four Arrested for Reading Falun Gong's Teachings, Three Have Been Sentenced