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Pursuit, Resentment, and Peril

Sept. 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner outside of China

(Minghui.org) In the past ten days, Master published two new articles, “Stay Far Away From Peril” and “Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious.” The Minghui Editorial Board also published the article, “Righteous Thoughts Versus Human Emotions.”

After reading them, I deeply feel the seriousness of cultivation and the grave danger of holding onto our human hearts, emotions, and notions. I also see the danger of not truly cultivating ourselves or assimilating to the Fa.

After reading Master’s article “Stay Far Away From Peril,” I deeply felt Master’s immense compassion and difficulty in saving His disciples. When I read the line “Master is not indebted to you!” I felt very ashamed of myself. It’s the most basic standard for one to feel gratitude and respect to their teacher. For Master to say such a thing shows the extent of our sins towards Him.

Nowadays in society, many children take for granted everything their parents give them. They get so used to it and keep asking for more. When their parents can’t satisfy their desires, the children start to develop resentment. This sort of thing is extremely prominent in today’s society in these end times, as human moral values have degenerated so much.

Master said,

“Do you realize what people in China are capable of? They go so far as to con their own parents or siblings, or even pull guns and knives on them. That’s how bad people have become. Don’t think of them as holy or something.” (“2018 Fa Teaching Given in Washington, D.C.,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XV)

Then, as we cultivate in this chaotic society, have we also gone along with the tide and developed the mentality of asking for things without showing gratitude?

Master scooped us up from Hell and removed our names. He bore our enormous karma and taught us the great Fa of the universe. He looks after us at every moment of our cultivation journey. When we make mistakes or take a detour, He worries about us, forgives us and encourages us to stand up and keep going. In addition to bearing the karma we generated in past lives, Master also bears the new karma we generate through mistakes we make during cultivation. On top of that, Master bestows us with the biggest honor in the universe.

I deeply believe that every little improvement I have made, in over two decades of my cultivation, is entirely due to Master’s compassionate protection and bearing my karma. Countless dangerous incidents have been dissolved and so many mistakes have been forgiven. What I can do to repay Master is absolutely nothing compared to everything Master has given me. I’m extremely fortunate to have the chance to become a Dafa disciple. What more can I possibly ask for?

I remember when I was facing a big test many years ago, I experienced first hand how vicious and evil the old forces are, and how serious cultivation is. I wasn’t sure if I could pass the test. But Master helped me to constantly enlighten and arranged for other practitioners to help me. He used every means possible to pull me through and I passed the test. In a dream, I saw a scene of Master carefully carrying me on His shoulder and spending much effort to help me up. 

If we say that the love from our parents is as big as a mountain, then Master’s saving grace is as boundless as the sky. It’s something we can never repay. If we can’t even show the most basic gratitude in the human world, how can we cherish everything Master has given us?

The Minghui Editorial “Righteous Thoughts Versus Human Emotions” said, “The person mentioned in a previous editorial has said things against Dafa and Shen Yun, publicly gone against Master, and collected so-called ‘evidence’ from practitioners in the name of ‘the media.’ Videos produced by this person have been used by secret agents to transform practitioners (turning them against Dafa) and stir up trouble.”

What that person has done is so far removed from how a disciple should behave. The damage he has caused couldn’t even be achieved by the communist regime’s secret agents. It’s obvious what this person’s future will be.

I was shocked that even though such a person betrays and publicly attacks Master, there are still some practitioners who agree with him and follow along. Some of them are so muddle-headed that they still defame and reject the Minghui website. I truly worry and feel sorry for those practitioners. Even the slightest agreement with those who disrupt the Fa will bring about imminent danger.

Over the years, Master has repeatedly acknowledged the importance of the Minghui website. It has played an immensely positive role in assisting Master in rectifying the Fa. Those who truly cultivate have all benefited from reading the Minghui website. Because of this, the communist regime has been doing all it can to target and discredit Minghui. For those who also follow along and target Minghui, which side are they choosing in Fa-rectification?

Throughout Chinese history, those who didn’t show gratitude were despised. Even in today’s degenerated society, most people still know the importance of being grateful. During the Fa-rectification period, Master is tempering us to become enlightened beings in charge of our renewed universe with countless beings in it, with such mighty honor and responsibilities. Knowing this, if we can’t achieve Dafa’s requirement to become a selfless person, how will we deserve everything Master is going to give us?

Cultivation in Dafa is extremely serious and every level has strict standards for us to follow.

Master said:

“I do not want to see a single student fall, but I definitely don’t want unqualified disciples, either.” (“Drive Out Interference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

For those who follow the person mentioned in the recent articles, if they can’t wake up in time, how can they still claim to be Dafa practitioners?

In fact, any slight resentment towards Master and Dafa will result in enormous tribulations and danger. It will also be used by the old forces to persecute these people—it’s something that the old forces won’t let go so easily. Just as the Minghui Editorial “Righteous Thoughts Versus Human Emotions” said, “When the old forces take dangerous actions against you, will your arguments and excuses help you?”

Fellow practitioners, I hope we can all wholeheartedly cherish Master’s compassion towards us, cherish our own lives, and cherish the countless beings who have pinned their hopes on us. 

Above is what I have enlightened to at my limited level and I welcome fellow practitioners pointing out anything that strays from the Fa.