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Yunnan Woman Missing for 19 Months and Counting, Possibly Arrested and Sentenced for Her Faith

July 31, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Yunnan Province, China

(Minghui.org) A resident of Jianshui County, Yunnan Province never returned home after she went out in December 2021 to talk to people about the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of her faith, Falun Gong. 

It is suspected that Ms. Liao Xiuqiong, a widow in her 70s who lived alone, may have been arrested and sentenced for her faith. We ask that anyone who has any information about Ms. Liao to please share what happened to her.

Ms. Liao took up Falun Gong in July 1999 and soon recovered from her insomnia, arthritis, and other physical problems. She had very little education but miraculously managed to read Zhuan Falun, the book containing the main teachings of Falun Gong.

Her husband, Mr. Li Baoyi, who had been bedridden and incapacitated for years, was inspired by his wife’s positive experiences with Falun Gong. He started reading and listening to Falun Gong teachings, and was soon able to get out of bed and do farm work again. The couple found joy and hope in life again.

After the persecution began, the couple were arrested many times for upholding their faith. Ms. Liao was arrested on January 12, 2005 when she went to the Chenguan Police Station to urge officers there to stop persecuting Falun Gong. She was given three years of forced labor and was brutally tortured at the Dabanqiao Women’s Labor Camp. She was once held in solitary confinement for six straight months. She was also forced to do hard labor without pay. Ms. Liao was released in January 2007. 

Ms. Liao was arrested again in late June 2009, after she delivered a letter to the Chenguan Police Station and her local village committee, sharing how she benefited from Falun Gong and recounting her past persecution. Her home was raided and all her Falun Gong books were confiscated. She was detained for 15 days before being released and placed under house arrest.

To avoid further persecution, Ms. Liao left home in late August 2009 and went into hiding. The police then harassed her husband every day, demanding to know her whereabouts. He succumbed to the relentless pressure and died less than two months later in mid-October 2009.

Related Report:

The Persecution of Ms. Liao Xiuqiong from Jianshui County, Yunnan Province