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The Importance of Awakening Former Young Practitioners

March 6, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner

(Minghui.org) Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, has told us,

“By the time I started to teach the Fa, those Gods came down like snowflakes—it was just that many. I calculated their ages now, and from when I started to spread the Fa till now, they would be young people around twenty-five years old, many of whom really have not been saved. They were all Gods, coming down to Earth, and they scattered to all areas of the world.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference,” Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIV)

The young people Master mentioned would be about 31 now, about the same age as the group of children who learned Falun Dafa with their parents before 1999. These people descended from divine beings who probably vowed to Master in Heaven that they would help with the Fa rectification. They should have finished their schooling and started working now. Some have stopped their cultivation in Dafa. 

Many fellow practitioners have written in their experience sharing articles how their children had been blessed by Falun Dafa, but eventually drifted away from cultivation practice. These young people have been under Master’s care and protection, but haven’t fulfilled their missions as Dafa disciples, and have not been doing the three things required of Dafa disciples. 

If Minghui article authors serve as a cross-section of Falun Dafa practitioners, the number of young practitioners in China is a lot smaller than the number of older practitioners. This makes it likely that many young ordinary people haven’t heard the truth about Falun Dafa from young Falun Dafa practitioners. I knew some young people in my hometown whose behavior during childhood clearly demonstrated that they had come to obtain the Fa, but they completely forgot about Dafa and indulged themselves in video games after they grew up. 

Even though someone may have drifted away from Dafa, the vows they made won’t be voided just because they have stopped practicing. After the persecution started, perhaps some parents didn’t truly cultivate themselves and looked at things with human attachments, thinking that the child has a lot of homework, or there are safety concerns, or the parents were just too busy to guide their child, so they stopped supervising their child’s cultivation. They may have waited too long, until their child is grown with many bad habits, refuses discipline and does not want to live up to the standard of a Dafa disciple at all. These types of situations may occur because of the persecution by the old forces, but the parents share a greater responsibility.

Many sharing articles have discussed awakening former fellow practitioners, but few have talked about awakening former young practitioners. It shouldn’t be hard to find them if their parents are still cultivating. I hope their parents will be able to let go of their notions, talk with their children with great compassion and help them resume cultivation. Don’t forsake Master’s grace and these predestined relationships developed over many lifetimes. Let’s walk the final stretch of our Fa-rectification journey well.

The above is my personal understanding. Please feel free to point out anything inappropriate.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare with one another in study, in cultivation.” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)