(Minghui.org) The family of an elementary school teacher in Li County, Hebei Province has filed complaints against a police officer and a prosecutor for violating the law in framing their loved one for her faith in Falun Gong.

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is an ancient spiritual and meditation discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Ms. Zhu Surong, a teacher beloved by her students, was arrested on October 11, 2019. She was first tried through a teleconference by the Gaoyang Court on May 12, 2020. Her lawyer entered a not-guilty plea on her behalf. She also testified in her own defense.

Both Ms. Zhu and her lawyer talked about how the authorities have violated legal procedures in handling her case, from ransacking her home without a search warrant, to interrogating her with torture. More importantly, there is no law in China that ever criminalizes Falun Gong.

To seek justice for Ms. Zhu, her family filed complaints against police officer Bian Jihui, who led her arrest, as well as prosecutor Hou Zhiyong, who framed her based on unlawful charges, to the Li County Procuratorate, Li County Court, and Gaoyang County Court.

Ms. Zhu’s family was informed by the Gaoyang Court on June 17 that her case was scheduled to be heard again on June 19. More details about her second hearing is being investigated.

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