(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners near Helsinki, Finland, held an event on February 3 at Kamppi, one of the busiest shopping districts, to introduce this mind-body cultivation practice and raise awareness of the harsh persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Despite freezing temperatures of 17 degrees Fahrenheit (or -8 C), many passersby stopped to watch the practitioners' exercise demonstration, read information about Falun Dafa and the persecution, and sign a petition urging a stop to the brutalities in China.

Falun Dafa practitioners do the exercises together in Helsinki, Finland, on February 3, 2017.

Pedestrians stop to learn more about Falun Dafa.

Rarsh from India was on a business trip in Helsinki. He accepted materials and listened attentively as a practitioner spoke about the suppression of Falun Dafa in China. After hearing that the petition would be submitted to the Finnish government as well as international human rights organizations, he signed to add his support for bringing an end to the persecution. Rarsh indicated that he was interested in learning the meditation and would read more about it on the Internet at falundafa.org.

A six-year-old girl was fascinated by the beautiful handmade paper lotus flowers with the attached bookmarks. She was intrigued when a practitioner explained to her the meaning of the words on the bookmarks—Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance—and she said that she really liked the words. Her father stopped by and signed the petition after talking with practitioners.

One woman walked past the booth and came back later. She was curious about what the practitioners were doing and was surprised to hear about the mistreatment suffered by Dafa practitioners in China. She thanked the practitioners for sharing the information and also signed the petition.

A musician came with his friends and briefly talked with a practitioner, saying that he'd already heard about Falun Dafa and the persecution. After signing the petition, he left with his friends.

He came back about an hour later and said, “Sorry I was in a rush but I had to see my friends off at the train station. Could you explain to me more about why practitioners are treated so badly in China and are even killed for their organs?”

The practitioner told him about the physical and spiritual benefits of Falun Dafa, the bad deeds that the Communist Party has committed over the past few decades, and how practitioners remain determined in their faith amid the harsh persecution.

The musician was moved. “Thank you for telling me about this. I'll read your materials and I think I'll come to your group practice site as well.” 

He then said, “I will write your story into a song and sing it for others.”