“Leave Space for My Signature”
After Ms. Hua completed the paperwork for her lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, she talked to her husband about it.
“Great,” he said. “This is long overdue. Jiang deserves a death sentence for his crimes.”
When she got ready to mail the documents, her husband told her, “Please leave space for my signature.”
Falun Gong Practitioners and Their Courage
Several older gentlemen read a flyer about bringing Jiang Zemin to justice. They had a conversation about the process.
A: “Falun Gong practitioners started this.”B: “Falun Gong practitioners have the courage to sue Jiang Zemin. Would you dare to do the same?”A: “Why would I sue him? I have better things to do.”C: “We ought to show respect for Falun Gong. Jiang Zemin did so many bad things when he was in power. His treatment of Falun Gong practitioners is so brutal. All those corrupt officials are his cronies.”D: “How can we not admire Falun Gong? They are taking a risk in posting these flyers. As soon as someone removes them, they put new ones back up.”E: “Yes, indeed. We have so many pamphlets in our building. These practitioners are remarkable.”