(Minghui.org) Ms. Wu Congmei, a practitioner in Huili County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, was sentenced to three years after she had been illegally detained for ten months. She appealed to the Liangshan Intermediate Court despite the obstructions from the Huili County Court. But the Liangshan Intermediate Court did not allow her lawyer to obtain a copy of the case records or present the case before the court. The court wants to uphold the original sentence without holding a court session.

Ms. Wu's lawyer then filed a legal complaint against the intermediate court. A lawsuit was also filed against the Huili County Police Department, the Procuratorate, the County Court, and the Stability Maintenance Office for miscarriage of justice in Ms. Wu's case.

On March 27, 2013, Ms. Wu's lawyer went to the Lianshan Intermediate Court for a copy of her case records. First Court judge Wang Changqin rejected the request, saying the case was political.

Although the collegial panel hadn't reached a decision and the lawyer hadn't reviewed any of the case records, Wang repeatedly told the lawyer over the phone that legal complaints arguing a case decision or an appeal could only be presented in writing, not before the court.

When the lawyer met with Wang on March 27, Wang repeated that the president of the court had been consulted on March 25, and the case would not be presented before the court. He ordered the lawyer to submit the complaint in writing before March 29. The lawyer replied that issuing a trial before the court was the responsibility of a judge. The lawyer had twice sent a letter of request to the president of the court, Li Jun. He questioned what was making it so hard for the court to hold a trial involving this issue.

Ms. Wu's lawyer and family members talked about the situation to the Liangshan Procuratorate and the discipline department of the middle court, and asked them to intervene. But the middle court supported what Wang and Li were doing.

On March 28, the lawyer filed legal complaints to the Lianshan Intermediate Court, the Procuratorate, and the Political and Legal Affairs Committee. He strongly urged for Ms. Wu's acquittal, and charged the Huili County Police Department, the Procuratorate, the Court, and the Stability Maintenance Office with miscarriage of justice in Ms. Wu's case.

Ms. Wu, 69, is the spouse of an employee of the Sichuan Huili County Farming Machines Factory. She is a grandmother and stays at home taking care of her two grandsons.

On May 29, 2012, the Huili Domestic Security Division officers, including Wang Zifa and Zhuang Mingqing, arrested her at home. They seized her Falun Dafa books and truth clarification materials. She has been detained at the detention center for almost a year.

The Huili County Court tried the case on November 17, 2012. Her lawyer argued that it was legal to practice Falun Dafa and distribute Falun Dafa materials. The attorney also pointed out that to charge Ms. Wu using Item 300 of the Criminal Law was wrong. The court still sentenced Ms. Wu to three years.