(Clearwisdom.net) "This morning, Shanghai Sports Center was crowded with people as close to ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners gathered to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises. Falun Gong's founder, Master Li Hongzhi, began to lecture on Falun Gong to the public in 1992 and was warmly welcomed by the masses. For the last six years, this practice had offered people something completely new and fresh. It is possible for people to practice Falun Gong anywhere, at anytime. Today, people practice Falun Gong everywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. The practice has also spread to Europe, the U.S., Australia, and Asia, with more than 100 million people practicing Falun Gong."
Can you believe the above was broadcast in December 1998 by a TV station in Shanghai? It was a candid report of Falun Gong before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of the practice on July 20, 1999.
Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) was introduced to the public in China in May of 1992. Focusing on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Falun Dafa requires students to improve their morality, put others first, not to accept money or gifts, and not to be involved in religion or politics. The five exercises are easy to learn and have amazing health benefits. People of different nations and ethnic backgrounds have improved their health and xinxing by cultivating themselves in Falun Dafa and practicing the Falun Gong exercises.

Jealous of Falun Gong's popularity, Jiang's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime launched a brutal persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. Facing the slanderous propaganda, Falun Gong practitioners have used different channels to inform people of the truth about Falun Gong over the past 12 years. More and more people are award of the CCP's lies. In sharp contrast to the persecution in China, Falun Gong has been embraced by 100 million people in more than 100 countries and is highly valued around the world. Governments and non-government organizations in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia have high praise for Falun Gong's outstanding ability to improve morality and health.

Falun Dafa is now practiced in more than 100 countries.
Worldwide, Falun Dafa and its founder, Master Li Hongzhi, have received 1,684 awards and certificates of recognition for the practice's outstanding contribution to the improvement of people's minds, bodies, and spirits. Three hundred and fourteen resolutions have been passed and 1,154 letters received in support of Falun Gong.
On May 13, 2011, the 12th World Falun Dafa Day, the 19th anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction, and Master Li Hongzhi's birthday, government entities in many different countries recognized Falun Gong with awards and other honors, including “Master Li Hongzhi Day,” “Falun Dafa Day,” “Falun Dafa Week,” and “Falun Dafa Month.” The letters of recognition had high praise for the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and strongly condemned the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Since May 6, 2011, close to 100 certificates of recognition and congratulatory letters from government officials have been published on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, including from the Canadian Prime Minister, MPs, congressional representatives, governors, state congress members, mayors, city council members, etc.
The Senate and General Assembly of New Jersey resolved to acknowledge World Falun Dafa Day in May 2011.

Salt Late County Mayor Peter M. Corroon said in his proclamation that “Falun Dafa is practiced in more than 100 countries including China, other parts of Asia, Australia, New Zealand, most countries in Europe, Canada, and the United States.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper commended “the members of the Falun Dafa Association of Canada for sharing their practices and traditions with Canadians” in his letter of greeting in May 2011. The Prime Minister has sent letters of greeting every year over the past six years. He said he was pleased to extend his greetings to everyone celebrating Falun Dafa month.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has sent letters of greeting every year over the past six years. Above is his letter from May 2011.

Canadian Minister of Environment Peter Kent said in his letter, “The emphasis on the ancient Chinese values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance fits in line with the values of modern-day Canada. Falun Dafa practitioners have walked on the most honourable path to peace and for this, you have earned the respect of your fellow Canadians.”

Canadian Minister of Citizenship Jason Kenney said in his letter, “As the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism, I would like to thank the organizers of this great event for sharing with all of us the principles, philosophy, and traditions of Falun Dafa.”
Seventeen years ago, Houston city officials designated Master Li an honorary citizen and goodwill ambassador. The Mayor of Houston proclaimed October 12, 1996, “Li Hongzhi Day” in Houston, Texas. He issued a proclamation recognizing “Li Hongzhi Day” in the City of Houston. The proclamation stated: “As the founder of Falun Gong, an advanced system of spiritual cultivation, Li Hongzhi has gained the respect and admiration of people around the world. Falun Dafa is based on the principles of Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truth, Compassion, Forbearance), the virtues of the universe. Falun Gong emphasizes health improvement and leads sincere practitioners towards enlightenment. Falun Dafa transcends cultural and racial boundaries. It resonates the universal truth to every corner of the earth and bridges the gap between East and West. As part of his first visit to the United States, Li Hongzhi will host a seminar in Houston on October 12, 1996. The City of Houston is pleased to welcome Li Hongzhi on this auspicious occasion, and extends best wishes for continued success.”
Having braved the CCP's brutal persecution over the past 12 years, Falun Gong practitioners have won the respect of the world for their peace, rationality, and persistence. Awards, recognition, and admiration for Falun Gong practitioners' noble spirit has also marked the failure of the CCP's lies and the awakening of humanity's conscience.
On the afternoon of March 14, 2001, Freedom House, a prestigious human rights organization co-founded by Eleanor Roosevelt 60 years ago, held an awards ceremony in the conference hall of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee to honor Teacher Li Hongzhi and the Falun Dafa Association, along with four other groups, as "defenders of religious rights."
Ms. Nina Shea, Director of the Religious Freedom Center of Freedom House, presided over the ceremony. Ms. Shea is also a member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and a member of the U.S. Government Delegation to the UN Human Rights Commission. Mr. Mark Palmer, Vice Chairman of the Board of Freedom House and former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, attended the ceremony and gave a speech. Senator Jesse Helms, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Congressman Chris Smith, Vice Chairman of the International Relations Committee; Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Chairwoman of the Congressional Working Group on China; and Mr. Michael Parmely, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, also attended the ceremony and spoke.

Freedom House held a distinguished ceremony recognizing Master Li Hongzhi and the Falun Dafa Association.
This was the first time for a non-governmental organization, with the participation of members of the U.S. Senate, Congress, U.S. State Department, to honor the Falun Dafa Association and Teacher Li Hongzhi. This award, issued just before the meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, also drew worldwide attention to Beijing's brutal crackdown on Falun Gong and other religious beliefs.
On February 24, 2001, Falun Dafa Day was celebrated in the beautiful Rose Gardens in Hamilton, New Zealand. Mayor Russ Rimmington issued a proclamation honoring “Falun Dafa Day,” was highly complimentary of Falun Dafa, and accepted a gift from practitioners, the book Zhuan Falun.

Proclamation honoring Falun Dafa Day in Hamilton
On May 8, 2009, in Auckland's Pakuranga Community Center, local Falun Dafa practitioners held an event to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Master Li's teaching in New Zealand. Amato Akarana, a Maori emirate, represented New Zealand Aotearoa Tangata Whenua Maori, Faa Samoa, Pacifica, Sovereign Council of Chiefs and issued a proclamation in honor of “New Zealand Falun Dafa Week, May 7 to 13.”

Proclamation of Falun Dafa Week from Aotearoa Tangata Whenua Maori, Faa Samoa, Pacifica, Sovereign Council of Chiefs
From January 7 to 14, 2001, the beginning of the first month of the new millennium, Russian Falun Dafa practitioners participated in a Qigong exhibition "New Epoch—2001." The exhibition lasted eight days and was a great success. Practitioners won two awards issued by the organizing committee: "Best Practice Performance" and "Best Booth Design."

Russian Falun Dafa practitioners participated in a Qigong exhibition "New Epoch—2001" and won awards for “Best Practice Performance" and "Best Booth Design."
In Jakarta on December 22, the head of the Youth and Sports Department invited practitioners to participate in the National Sports Day held in Lapangan Merdeka, where more than 1,000 people were in attendance. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises and introduced Falun Dafa to the participants. This event left a positive image of Falun Dafa for the people in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra. After the activity, we were given an award by the head of the Youth and Sport Department.

Certificate Award issued by the Youth and Sport Department of North Sumatra, Indonesia
On July 18, 2004, Governor of Sumatra Utara Mr. Rizal Nurdin proclaimed Falun Gong as one of the National Mass Sports that transcends nationalities and beliefs and is non-political.
From March 27 to April 24, 2004, the headquarters of the Corruption Prevention Department of the Peru National Police organized 100 police officers to learn Falun Gong at 8 a.m. every Saturday at the exercise field on Soldier's Plaza in Lima. On April 24, an awards ceremony was held on the field. Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Mei Jiang and Ying Su were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation signed by the director of the Corruption Prevention Department to commend their dedication in offering free teaching of Falun Gong. The police officer who hosted the ceremony said, "This selfless dedication deserves commendation and respect from everyone."

Certificate of Appreciation issued by the Corruption Prevention Department to commend practitioners' selfless dedication
On October 20, 2007, the Southeast Asia Democracy Coalition gave a letter of recognition to the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) for its persistent efforts in supporting human rights. A WOIPFG representative spoke at the meeting, held by the Cuban Liberty Council at the Marriott Hotel in Miami, Florida.
Southeast Asia Democracy Coalition's letter of recognition of the WOIPFG.
The reason the world has showered Falun Dafa with awards and other forms of recognition is because, after learning how practitioners have stood fast on the value of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, people have gained the courage to be heard in the defense of justice. These honors serve as historical evidence of calls to end the persecution.