(Clearwisdom.net) The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the party and all other political and judiciary systems. The many brainwashing centers it has created all over China are publicly called “Legal Education Schools,” and they specialize in torturing Falun Dafa practitioners.
From June 1 to September 15, 2011, the Jilin City (a prefecture including Jilin City downtown, counties, county level cities, towns and townships) 610 Office helped local domestic security agents and police arrest 37 practitioners and take them to brainwashing centers. Their homes were also ransacked.
I. List of Practitioners Forced to Go to Brainwashing Centers:
Mr. Fan Wenfang, who lives in Huadian City, Jilin City, was arrested by officers from the Minghua Police Station on June 29, 2011, and taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Mr. Zheng Fengxiang, 48, lives in Jilin City. He was sentenced to four years in Gongzhuling Prison. His term ended on July 1, 2011. Guard Zong Mingjun, the local 610 Office, and Jiangnan Township High-Tech Zone Police Station collaborated to drive a vehicle into the prison yard, pick Mr. Zheng up, and take him to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center. His family went to pick him up, but saw him leave without being able to say a word to him.
Mr. Chen Baixiang lives in Chaluhe Town, Yongji County, Jilin City. He was arrested at 5:30 a.m. on July 13, 2011, by the town police and taken to the Yongji County Brainwashing Center.
Mr. Su Jingdong lives in Chaluhe Town, Jilin City. He was taken to the Yongji Brainwashing Center in July 2011.
Ms. Cao Hua from Laxi Town, Yongji County, Jilin City, and Ms. Huo Yanhua from Wanchang Town Yongji County, Jilin City, were both arrested on July 13, 2011, by Laxi Town policeman Li Fude, and admitted to the Yongji County Brainwashing Center.
Ms. Jia Guirong lives in Qiankou Town, Yongji County. The community administrator and four domestic security officers arrested her on July 13, 2011, ransacked her home, and took her to the Yongji County Brainwashing Center.
Mr. Huo Yaohua, who lives in Wanchang Town, Yongji County, was also arrested in July and taken to the Yongji County Brainwashing Center.
Ms. Liu Zongju lives in Qiankou Town, Yongji County. Domestic security officers arrested her on July 13, 2011, ransacked her home, and took her to the Yongji County Brainwashing Center.
Ms. Zhang Zhen and a 10-year-old boy are from Dagongzi Village, Xiyang Town, Yongji County. Ms. Zhang was arrested on July 13, 2011, and taken to the Yongji Brainwashing Center, as was the boy.
Ms. Du Xiuxia, 47, lives in Huadian City, Jilin City. On July 15, 2011, when she was at work in a store, the police arrested her and took her to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center. This is the second time she has been taken to a brainwashing center. Her daughter was crying very hard, and did not know where her mother was being taken. There was no one to take care for her, and the store had to be closed.
Ms. Zhang Fengying lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin City. At 3:00 p.m. on August 1, 2011, police officers arrested her at her home. Her family searched for her the next day and asked the local police about her whereabouts. The police said she was in the Shahezi Brainwashing Center, and could not be released, since she was there under government orders.
Mr. Zhang Wei lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin City. At around 4:00 p.m. on August 4, 2011, two plainclothes officers stormed into his store and tried to arrest him. He resisted for two hours and the plainclothes officers called four more officers to help, They carried Mr. Zhang Wei into the vehicle and directly took him to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Ms. Zhang Yanzhu lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin City, and was just released from Jilin Province Women's Forced Labor Camp at the beginning of the year. Jiaohe City 610 Office agents arrested her at her home on August 1, 2011, and took her to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center that same night.
Mr. Dong Xiangrui lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin City. Jiaohe City 610 Office agents arrested him on the afternoon of August 2, 2011, and took him to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Mr. Li Desheng lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin City. Jiaohe City 610 Office agents arrested him on the afternoon of August 2, 2011, and took him to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center a second time.
Ms. Sun Yuying lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin City. At 5:20 p.m., on August 1, 2011, officer Wang Gen of the Xinnong Police Station went to her daughter's school and then followed the girl home to arrest Ms. Sun. Wang took her to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center that evening.
Ms. Liu Shufen lives in Jiaohe City, Jilin Province. On the afternoon of August 1, 2011, police arrested her at work, at the Jiaohe Hotel, and took her directly to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Ms. Wang Qiuxia lives in Xiaobeigou Village, Songjiang Town, Jiaohe City, Jilin City. She was arrested on August 1, 2011, and taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Mr. Yue Zheyuan, 75, lives in the High Tech Development Zone in Jilin City. On the afternoon of August 15, 2011, under orders from the 610 Office, two community workers stormed into his home. Along with three policemen in two vehicles, they took him to a brainwashing center. Mr. Yue resisted, but they said he had gone to Jiutai many times the year before last doing Dafa related activities, and he needed to go to a brainwashing center for ten days. Mr. Yue's wife tried to reason with them, but was threatened that if she said anymore, they would both be arrested.
Ms. Wang Lanyun lives in Jianhua Village, Jiangnan Township, Fengman District, Jilin City. Local 610 Office agents arrested her on August 19, 2011, and took her to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Mr. Liu Chun and his wife, Xu Fenglan, both in their 70s, live in Jilin City. The police arrested Mr. Liu the night of August 19, 2011, when he was sitting by a side street near the Chuanying District Court, and took him to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center. His wife was arrested at home by the Fengman District 610 Office agents that same day and also taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center.
Ms. Yu Yuelan, in her 60s, lives in Jilin City. Officers from the Huangqi Police Station arrested her on August 19, 2011, and took her first to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center. On September 1, 2011, she was then transferred to the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Center in Changchun City. (see http://clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/9/29/128410.html)
Ms. Wang Yin, a college graduate, was employed at the Jilin Radian Chemical Industry Company. She was arrested on the afternoon of August 14, 2011, and taken to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center located at the Xiaoguang 4th Section Senior Center. She went on a hunger strike to protest, and her life was in danger. On September 1, 2011, she was transferred to the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Center in Changchun City.
![]() Ms. Wang Yin | ![]() Ms. Wang Yin and her son |
In the past 12 years of the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Wang Yin was arrested six times; detained; held in Jilin Third Detention Center, Sixth Ward of the Jiutai Yinmahe Forced Labor Camp and Heizuizi Labor Camp; and twice held in brainwashing centers. Because she refused to give up her faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the guards shocked her with electric batons. She was tied to a death bed, and force-fed with highly-concentrated salt water. She immediately passed out. The guards then cuffed her arms and legs despite her condition. (see http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/9/12/128053.html)
II. Facts about the Persecution in the Brainwashing Centers
Those who work in the brainwashing centers fall into one of three groups: Jilin City 610 Office and CCP Political & Judiciary Committee system employees; collaborators who once were practitioners, but betrayed Dafa under intense pressure; and community administrators, social workers, and low income persons who serve as “monitors.”
Practitioners are not allowed to contact anyone. Two “assistants” accompany each practitioner, even when he or she uses the restroom. These assistants take turns, rotating once every two to three days. When practitioners first enter, the assistants pretend to care. They chat with practitioners in a friendly way, and then the collaborators begin brainwashing. They take turns from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and curse, threaten, deceive, and mentally torture practitioners. They force practitioners to watch slanderous videos, and the mental torture is beyond description.
Practitioners are forced to sit on a stool or stand for a long time, are deprived of sleep, and are forced to write five statements (similar to the three statements). They are ordered to write a letter of repentance; a guarantee to never again practice Falun Gong; a list of names and addresses of all family members, friends, and acquaintances who are practitioners; a statement to disassociate themselves from Falun Gong; and a statement of their determination to accept the brainwashing. The centers prepared drafts of these five statements and ordered practitioners to write something similar, or the brainwashing would continue. They would have to guarantee never to access the Internet or retract their five statements, which would fundamentally be devastating to any practitioner.

Torture Re-enactment: Forced to sit for a long time
III. Authorities Participating in the Brainwashing
Xu Guangtai, Jilin City High-tech Zone 610 office chair
Fan Lichen, Chuanying District Police Department director
Yang Bingwe, Chuanying District 610 Office chair
Lianhua Police Station
Hou Wei, Huangqi Police Station director
Wang Baoshi: officer of Fengman Township Police Station
Liu Zhiwei, Yongji County 610 Office chair
Liu Junpeng, Chaluhe Town Police Department director in Yongji County
Wu Yang, Chaluhe Town 610 Office chair--once did not let practitioner Mr. Chen Baixiang eat for three days
Chang Xiaoming, Jiaohe City 610 Office chair
Nie Laichen, Chang'an Police Station director
Yang Baolin, Huadian City 610 Office chair
Yu Xiaoqiang, Huadian City Domestic Security chief
Shao Ling, collaborator who gave police practitioners' names, including all who were arrested and taken to the brainwashing center this go-round.