(Clearwisdom.net) After the VCD with the Shen Yun 2009 performance was produced, I seized the moment to distribute the discs to people directly, in order to save sentient beings. I handed out the discs at street stores, to pedestrians, drivers and on buses. Once when I took the bus, I gave some discs to people around me, someone read out loudly: "Wow, New Tang Dynasty Television really looks great." Others said: "I'd love to watch this." As a result some people stood up and fought to get one. I stood in front of the door and gave the last two sets to those who got off the bus. I silently wished them to be saved.

"The entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments." (Zhuan Falun English Version 2000, Lecture One) I have always heard fellow practitioners (or read from Minghui Weekly) saying that we need to find our attachments, however I did not truly look inward, as if I did not have any strong attachments. In fact, I have never found my attachments and thus I felt at ease. But last year a fellow practitioner made untrue comments about me in front of other practitioners. That practitioner did not correct the story even after I explained to him repeatedly. I could not tolerate it; immediately I felt wronged, and my attachment to fame, fighting and domination all surfaced. I could not recite the Fa, and I could not get into the state of tranquility when I meditated or sent forth righteous thoughts. In short, the interference was very serious. I knew that this was not my true self, however I could not get rid of it. The evil took advantage of it and I was arrested a couple of days later. I learned a tremendous lesson from this, and it also had negative effects on my family members and that fellow practitioner. Thus, I came to deeply understand the seriousness of cultivation.

I have learned to look inward and truly cultivate myself, and I also think and act according to the standard of the Fa. We are Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period and we must do the three things well. First, we need to study the Fa well and send forth righteous thoughts to dissolve all the meddling deities and dark minions that prevent sentient beings from being saved so that we can save more sentient beings. Clarifying the truth and persuading people to quit the CCP and it's related organizations is saving them. At the beginning I spent half a day clarifying the truth and persuading people to quit the CCP and it's related organizations, or hand out truth-clarification materials and post up fliers. Sometimes I distributed Internet anti-blocking software, which everyone accepted. We packed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party with other material and sent them to people. Three times I went to my hometown to clarify the truth to folks there and persuaded them to quit from the CCP and its related organizations.

I began to practice Falun Gong at the end of 1998 after I read Zhuan Falun. After realizing Dafa is profound and sacred, I vowed to be a true disciple and firmly cultivate to the end. Before long, the evil began to viciously persecute Dafa, illegally detaining Dafa disciples on a large scale. In the evening of July 20, 1999, I went to tell people on both sides of the street: "All the TV broadcasts are fake, please do not believe the lies." I also told people of my personal experience and how I benefited from practicing Falun Gong. However the CCP repeatedly used the propaganda machine to brainwash people for a long period and with multi-channels, and Chinese people's minds were deeply poisoned.

Just like many veteran practitioners, I went to Beijing alone to validate Dafa in May 2000. At the detention center in Beijing I kept practicing Falun Gong and reciting Hong Yin. When I was interrogated, I nobly told them of the mighty mercy of Master, the sacredness of Dafa, how widespread Dafa had become around the world and the changes in my body and mind from cultivation. Through oral or written statements I repeatedly requested the government to over-turn the wrong decision and clear Master's name, return justice to Dafa and unconditionally release Dafa disciples that were detained. After being detained for twenty-eight days, I still did not identify myself or tell them my address. Finally, I was released and continued to do what I was supposed to do.

At the end of the year, the CCP started brainwashing classes nationwide to persecute Dafa disciples, and I was also arrested. During the two-year detention, we recited Master's Fa lectures and sent forth righteous thoughts every day. We treated prison guards and prisoners with compassion. We also clarified the truth to them and reminded them of the heavenly principle that "goodness is rewarded and evil is met with karmic retribution." We asked them to kindly treat Dafa so that they could have a good future. I remember a prison guard told me: "Sister, I would rather be a gate guard than work here, I don't want to be held responsible for what I am forced do here!" No matter whether the guards acted friendly or vicious, I remained calm and treated them with righteous thoughts. They tried everything to shake my mind. Once the prison guards failed with soft methods, they cuffed my hands and feet. I said with righteous thoughts: "As soon as I entered the gate of the forced labor camp, I let go of all my attachments. As long as I have a breath, I'll never be transformed." They were stunned and changed their attitude immediately. They allowed me to walk in the playground, actually the evil in other dimensions was disintegrated. Several months later I was released.

In the last few years my family members did not understand me and my husband was fearful and had a bad temper. He did not support my practice, and he always threatened to divorce me or shouted at me or beat me. I did not get upset and treated him with kindness. I believed that I owed him in the past life, and I looked inward to see if I had not done something well in my cultivation. Afterwards I understood after I read the sharing column in Minghui Weekly that his behavior was evil interference from other dimensions. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts, and in the meantime I tried to do better, and paid attention and showed respect to my parents-in-law. They also praised me in front of my husband, and the villagers also praised me. Also, to maintain peace in the family I did not trigger his negative side and did not fight with him. Now he basically doesn't interfere with me.

We are so honored to be disciples of Master! We must do the three things required by Master, cultivate ourselves well and save more sentient beings so that we will not disappoint Master.