(Clearwisdom.net) "World Falun Dafa Day" is meant to be a celebration for practitioners all over the world and other people who have a predestined relationship. It has the same sacredness and special meaning as Christmas has for Christians. However, many practitioners have not paid enough attention to this celebration; consequently, many people may not have as favorable an impressions of it as towards other special days. It is not widely known or accepted in society, or even among practitioners, and even less do people understand its special meaning.

Why can we not use the power of "World Falun Dafa Day" for saving sentient beings and turn this celebration into an opportunity to let people know about the magnificence of Dafa? The article collection for "World Falun Dafa Day" is a good opportunity to promote Dafa in the human world. Practitioners should use this opportunity to validate the magnificence of Dafa, so that sentient beings can see the wonder and power of Dafa.