(Clearwisdom.net) From December 24 to December 26, 2010, more than 500 Falun Dafa practitioners from central Taiwan attended the three-day Fa study and experience sharing gathering held in the Fengyuan District of Taichung City. The attendees included the elderly and middle-aged, young people and children, who studied the Fa intensively and shared their experiences in order to help each other improve in their cultivation.

Falun Dafa practitioners participate in large group experience sharing

After the conference, all Dafa practitioners wished Master a Happy New Year
New practitioner shares her experience of passing xinxing test
Ms. Lin is a resident of the Fengyuan District, Taichung City, who started to practice Falun Dafa in 2009. Even though she is new to Dafa, she participates in many group activities. Ms. Lin shared her story of obtaining Dafa while studying in the United Kingdom. At that time, she was unhappy after several unsettling experiences. She talked to her aunt on the phone about the meaning of life, cause and effect, and retribution. Later, her aunt mailed her the book Zhuan Falun and told her that only this book could answer the questions in her heart. Even though Ms. Lin didn't quite believe her aunt's words, she followed her aunt's instruction sand read through the book quickly without skipping a page. After that, she gained a brief understanding of Falun Gong.
Shortly after reading Zhuan Falun, Ms. Lin encountered her first xinxing test. In 2009, after a vacation in Taiwan, she flew back to the UK to continue her studies. At the customs office, she discovered that she had left the documentation for her student status at home. The custom officials would not let her enter the UK and put her in a small detention cell. Alone in a small room in a foreign country, Ms. Lin was frightened. When she became more and more frightened, she remembered the book “Essentials for Further Advancement, ” given to her by an assistant from the Fengyuan District Falun Gong group practice site. She took out the book and began to read. Gradually, she calmed down and realized that it was better to accept the situation and that the worst-case scenario would be that she would be deported back to Taiwan.
A UK customs official completed the related procedures and led Ms. Lin to the waiting room for a flight back to Taiwan. The officer told her that if she told the airline company she had no money, the flight would not cost her anything Ms. Lin thanked the officer for the tip but also remembered that a Falun Dafa practitioner should not be greedy or concerned about personal gain, as being that way would cause her to lose virtue. So she told the airline company that she would pay for the flight herself. Right then, she found that her purse was missing. After a hurried look around, the purse was found near the baggage check area. She realized that she had forgotten her purse in the hurry, but because she had not been greedy, she had the chance to find the purse. It still had all her cash – a lot more cash than the airplane ticket, as well as her identity cards and credit cards. Ms. Lin felt very fortunate and said, “I understood that the outcome might have been very different based on one single thought. If I had been greedy and tried to save money on the flight back to Taiwan, I would not have been able to find my purse, the money, or my cards.”
Ms. Lin said she traveled to the New York Fahui in 2010 and experienced Master's immerse compassion. Master will not leave behind any genuine practitioner, even a new practitioner like her. Since then, Ms. Lin has actively participated in many activities to promote Dafa and validate the Fa.
The Importance of Studying the Fa
After separating into several large groups to share cultivation experiences, practitioners were eager to share their personal stories about how they improved their understanding of the Fa and overcame tribulations and tests.
Ms. Chen from Yunlin shared, “Every morning I wake up with a clear mind. When I study the Fa well, if a bad idea pops up in my mind, I can immediately realize that the thought is not mine and I can get rid of it immediately. But when I don't study the Fa well, I can't do it. So I understand that the quality of Fa-study is very important. It provides the power to advance on the cultivation path.”
Ms. Chang, from Taichung City, shared, “A few days ago, I had my first experience of being tranquil while doing the meditation. I felt the quietness, the comfort and the solemness. I can't explain it in any words. It caused me to recall the poem in Hong Yin II, which said that after you put down attachments, your cultivation will progress very quickly. It was a great experience!”
Ms. Chang continued, relating that the solemn experience occurred after a heart-wrenching process of getting rid of an attachment. The process was very painful but she was persistent to defeat the demon of emotion and finally won the battle. Now, Ms. Chang said, the attachment to emotion is gone and she felt “buoyant and happy.”
On the mornings of December 25 and 26, some of the attendees went to the plaza in front of the Fengyuan Railway Station to do the exercises and introduce Falun Gong to people. On the evening of December 25, a group of tourists from Mainland China arrived at the Hsingdu Hotel. Several practitioners went to the hotel to meet the tourists and to tell them the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution of Falun Gong in China.