(Clearwisdom.net) On September 20, 2009, the annual Oktoberfest began in Munich. At the famous Marlin Square, Falun Dafa practitioners from Bayern Province hosted an information day to introduce Falun Dafa, demonstrate the exercises, and expose the persecution.

Five young people learn about Falun Dafa at Oktoberfest
In the evening, five young people walked past the information table. One of them took a flier and listened to the introduction. Four others approached the information table at the same time. They asked many questions from what Falun Gong is, why and how Chinese Communist Party persecutes Falun Gong, to how Chinese people work to stop the persecution. They were shocked at the brutality of the persecution and the CCP's shamelessness. They signed their names to a petition and put on badges in support of Chinese people quitting the CCP.
After about one hour, the five young people shook hands goodbye and thanked the practitioners for telling them the true situations in China.