(Clearwisdom.net) July 20, 2009, marked the tenth year of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. To stop the CCP's atrocities, Falun Gong practitioners in Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany held a Falun Dafa Information Day on July 20 to call for an end of the inhumane persecution.

German people who know the facts sign a petition to stop the persecution of Falun Gong
One German man pointed at the pictures on a poster after learning of the CCP's atrocity of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners and said, "How come such a thing can happen? It should not occur. More people should know this and work together to stop these crimes."
A German practitioner: Such a graceful practice should not be persecuted
Sixty-nine-year-old German practitioner Kriemhild displayed a small banner that read, "Falun Gong spreads worldwide" and "Stop the persecution of Falun Gong.

Sixty-nine-year-old German practitioner Kriemhild: Such a graceful practice should not be persecuted
Kriemhild has practiced Falun Gong for three years and benefited a lot. She said, "It is normally hard for a person nearly 70-year-old like me to stand for a long time, but I participate in activities of spreading the facts and don't feel tired after standing all day. I feel energized. Such a graceful practice should not be persecuted. My practice and my participation in the events protesting the persecution are integrated and cannot be separated."
Falun Gong is the Chinese people's pride
Ms. Yu, who just came to Germany from China, is not a Falun Gong practitioner, but witnessed the ten-year persecution. She said, "During the past ten years, because my husband is a Falun Gong practitioner, we ran from one place to another. We were separated several times and finally joined together in this country. In the beginning after coming to this country, I looked around when mentioning Falun Gong with others. I was afraid of being reported, as in China. Seeing the banners exposing the CCP's persecution, I felt fear. Later I reminded myself this is a free society. I became calm step by step."

Ms. Yu's husband was imprisoned in China's labor camps several times for practicing Falun Gong. Their ten-year hardship ended in Germany.
Ms. Yu recalled the appeal of Falun Gong practitioners in front of the Dalian Appeal Office ten years ago, "I recall I went to Dalian, Liaoning Province to visit my boyfriend. It was July 20 by coincidence. My boyfriend brought me directly to the front of the appeal office for the city government. Those volunteer contact persons of Falun Gong were all arrested. The other practitioners went there to appeal. There were over four thousand Falun Gong practitioners outside the wall of the city government. I saw four policemen carrying a small high school girl student and forcefully dropping her to ground. She was hurt, groaning with anguish and could not move."
Ms. Yu did not think that the persecution could last for ten years. During the ten years, her husband was imprisoned in labor camps several times. She said, "Coming overseas, I see that many German people practice Falun Gong. They are committed in explaining the facts of Falun Gong. Thinking it over, I feel Falun Gong should be the Chinese people's pride. I am regretful that many Chinese people cannot see the truth about Falun Gong's wide spread around the world."