(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of July 18, 2009, Falun Going practitioners gathered at the Plaza Puerta del Sol in front of the Madrid City Hall. They held a rally to protest the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong. They called for an end to the ten-year-long persecution.

Tourists and residents line up to sign a petition.
Two people carefully left their signatures and contact information.
A Chinese girl signed the petition to support the effort to end the persecution.
At night, practitioner gathered held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Spain to condemn the CCP's persecution and to mourn those who died as a result of torture.
Practitioners held banners saying "Dissolve the CCP and stop the persecution," "Support 57 million Chinese people quitting the CCP." They put up displays with pictures of practitioners being beaten and tortured to death. Many residents and tourists signed a petition to condemn the persecution after seeing the displays and reading materials about the persecution.
An official who worked for the city of Madrid was shocked after seeing the pictures and fliers. He told a practitioner, "Nowadays it's all about protecting human rights and freedom. How come there is such kind of government that persecutes its people?" The official signed the petition and told practitioners he would tell more people about the CCP's crimes.
A man came back the second time to sign the petition. He did it for his wife. His wife saw the flier about the persecution he brought home last time. She was angered by the fact that the CCP illegally removes Falun Gong practitioners' organs for profit. The man said that more signatures mean more power and he hoped the persecution could stop soon.
There was a service desk helping Chinese people to quit the CCP. Practitioners gave out free CDs and fliers to tell tourists from China what really happened in the persecution of Falun Gong. Eleven Chinese people quit the CCP right there after learning the facts.
At night, practitioners held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Madrid to mourn practitioners in China who died in the persecution as a result of torture. As the candles lit up in practitioners' hands and their light flickered in the summer breeze, it drew attention of many local residents. People came to ask for fliers and cars passing by honked to show their support.