(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of May 16, Falun Dafa practitioners from Canada and the US held a grand rally at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto city hall. The practitioners presented a variety of programs to celebrate the 17th anniversary Falun Dafa's Introduction to the public. To date, the Falun Dafa is being practiced in 114 countries and regions around the world. A number of Canadian elected officials and representatives attended the rally and gave congratulatory speeches.
In the afternoon, the practitioners marched in the rain through downtown and Chinatown. Along the parade route, many tourists and local residents watched the parade and were amazed by the spectacular parade presentation.

Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall

Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall
Falun Dafa celebration at the Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall: group practice
Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall: Dancing
Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall: Singing
Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall: Drumming

Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall: Dancing

Falun Dafa celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in front of Toronto City Hall: Dancing

Divine Land Marching Band in motion

Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercises on a decorated float

A passerby takes photos of the parade

A passerby takes photos of the parade
Canadian Government Congratulates Anniversary and Sends Best Wishes

Eglinton-Lawrence MP candidate Joe Oliver reads congratulatory letters from Canadian PM Harper and Citizenship and Immigration Minister Kenney.
At the rally, Eglinton-Lawrence district MP candidate Joe Oliver read a congratulatory letter from Canadian Prime Minister Harper as well as a letter from Citizens and Immigration Minister Kenney. In the letter, Prime Minister Harper congratulated the 17th anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the public and commended the Canadian Falun Dafa Association for sharing the practice and tradition with public.

Peter Kent, minister of State of Foreign Affairs for the Americas, attends the rally.
Peter Kent, minister of State of Foreign Affairs for the Americas, attended the rally. In a congratulatory speech, Mr. Kent recognized that Falun Dafa's values of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" have brought mental and physical health to countless people. He reminded the audience that millions of Falun Gong practitioners were still being persecuted for their belief and emphasized that the current government will continue to request the Chinese regime to respect freedom of belief.

Senator Consiglio Di Nino: We will always support you
In his speech, Senator Consiglio Di Nino said that the practitioners' quest for freedom of belief and basic human rights would help free the Chinese people from the Communist tyranny. In conclusion, he said: "We will always support you!"
According to The Globe and Mail, on July 26, 1999, the Canadian government condemned the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong, and was the first foreign government to take such a strong step. During the 2005 election, according to Canada Press' survey of letters received by the prime minister's office, one of the three issues Canada was most concerned with was the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Nearly 1 million citizens signed a petition urging the government to help end the persecution.
Grand Spread of Falun Dafa Benefits Canadians

Xun Li, president of the Canadian Falun Dafa Association
In his speech, Xun Li, president of the Canadian Falun Dafa Association, said: "Falun Dafa was introduced to public by Master Li Hongzhi in 1992. Spread by word of mouth, the practice grew rapidly in China and had 70-100 million practitioners in China by 1999. Countless people benefited from the practice physically and spiritually. In July 1999, the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute the group, vowing to eliminate the practice in 3 months. But under suppression, Falun Dafa continues to grow and there are practitioners now in 114 countries and regions around the world. The first Falun Dafa assistance center was established in 1995 in Toronto. Starting with just a few practitioners, there are now tens of thousands of practitioners across Canada."
In a follow-up interview, Mr. Li said that Falun Dafa made him a better person with a healthy body. He said that he learned the practice from his wife. "My wife had lower back injury from a car accident. When she was working in Toronto, she had to take several breaks on the way back to our home in Ottawa. I took her to try all kinds of therapies. Some worked a little bit for a short time. In 1996, my wife learned Falun Gong exercises in Toronto. Three weeks later, her pain disappeared and her temper improved. So, she asked me to practice as well."
Every Day Becomes Delightful
Dr. Zhi Jing from Ottawa started her journey with Falun Dafa in 1998, and she said that the biggest benefit from the practice was that everyday became so delightful as cultivation was leading her on a righteous path toward the true origin of life.
In her workplace, colleagues often keep their successes secret. After starting to practice Falun Dafa, Dr. Zhi tried to follow "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" principles instead and her attitude toward colleagues gradually changed. "Once, I made a breakthrough in my research project. My colleagues in succession asked me how I made it happen. I shared my experience with them without reservations. I was very happy do so. However, I wouldn't have done that if I was not a practitioner."
During the rally, a light rain started. As soon as the rally concluded, it started to rain very hard. Nevertheless, the parade commenced on schedule and the Toronto Divine Land Marching Band led the procession. About 10 minutes later, the rain stopped. The 2-hour parade attracted a large crowd, many of whom took photos or videos of the parade.
Band member Michael said: "At the very beginning of the parade, we were all wet. However, I felt we were very coordinated and thus we played very well throughout the parade. This reminded me of our cultivation: Sometime, we face challenges. However, if we can face them and persevere, things will always turn around. Master told us: 'After passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead.' This is so true."