(Clearwisdom.net) On April 11, the Shen Yun International Performing Arts Company staged its fifth show in Queensland's Conservatorium Theatre in Brisbane, Australia. Throughout the performance, this splendid showcase of Chinese traditional culture generated warm applause again and again. Among the audience were many Chinese immigrants who were deeply moved by the show.
Director of Chinese Newspaper World Weekly: Shenyun Program Masterfully Designed
Mr. Ke Wenyao, director of Queensland World Weekly, a Chinese-language newspaper, came to see the show with his family and several colleagues. He had a lot reflections about the show. In particular, he was deeply moved by the lyrics of the songs. Mr. Ke said, "These lyrics conveyed an important message and served as a wakeup to people: What we can see with our eyes are illusions, which unfortunately have captivated so many. These illusions, however, might cause us to miss the most important opportunity in our life. This message is so important that we cannot ignore it."
Mr. Ke said that the backdrop and the costumes were masterfully designed and the performance was absolutely first class and very moving. Citing the dance "Heaven Await Us Despite Persecution"( a piece which portrayed the suffering of a Falun Gong practitioner family during the persecution in China) as an example, he said, "Facing persecution and injustice, we should step forward and relinquish fear. If we fear the evil forces, we will be hopeless. "
"It was educational for me, and I admire the tireless effort made by Shen Yun Performing Arts to depict and promote traditional Chinese culture," said Mr. Ke.
Chinese International Student: Shenyu Makes Us Proud

Jiang Jiang is an accounting student who came to Australia three years ago. He watched the show with his girlfriend, Liru, who has been living in Australia for just about a year. They both found that the show was very good and said that they had never seen a performance of this kind in China. Seeing the grand spread of Chinese culture overseas, they said that Shen Yun made them very proud.
Jiang said, "The stage design is very beautiful and the dancers performed with their hearts. The backdrop was awesome and I am still wondering how they made it. The colors of the costumes were very good as well... The show also reminded us to cherish what we have and inspired us to inherit our precious tradition: Generation by generation, we live in this world and we mustn't do damage to it. People should not be so greedy and should treat each other with sincerity. Traditional values teach people to be compassionate and to do good deeds."
Jiang also found that the western audience members sitting around him all enjoyed the show and he was very happy about this observation. "The westerners around me were singing quietly along with the music as if they could understand everything, including the Chinese proverbs discussed by the hosts. I am very proud. The value of Shen Yun lies in that it inspires westerners to learn more about Chinese history."
Jiang's girlfriend said that she was very proud to see a grand show of Chinese culture outside China. "First of all, the colors, costumes, the backdrop and the whole stage design were marvelous. I have never seen a performance of this kind. Shen Yun is promoting Chinese culture, and I am very proud to see the spread of Chinese culture around the world."
Shen Yun Purifies the Mind and Uplifts the Spirit
Jenny and her husband
Jenny had just come to Australia from China 20 days ago. She said:,"You cannot find a show of this kind in China. I had a wonderful night. It is so dear to my heart and I felt that my mind was purified and my spirit was uplifted."
Jenny's husband, who works in a construction firm, indicated that he was very sympathetic toward the Falun Gong practitioner who died in the persecution and his little daughter. He said, "The piece which portrayed the story of a young family with the little girl ("Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution") was my favorite. I finished this one with tears in my eyes. The ending was gratifying."
Ms. Chen, from Guangdong Province, was very excited by the performance and shared her reflections of the show with friends while walking out of the theater. "It was marvelous! I have never seen such a great show. Every piece was exceptional and gave an excellent presentation of our Chinese culture. I am very happy, very happy. This show is our great pride!" exclaimed Ms. Chen.
Ms. Chen said that she came to Australia several months ago to visit her daughter. Though her daughter could not see the show tonight, Ms. Chen came with her grandson and a friend of her daughter.
"I have seen some cultural performances in China. However, those are nothing comparing to Shen Yun, which presents real Chinese culture," said Ms. Chen.