(Clearwisdom.net) January 27, 2009
Practitioners in the Chinese Military General Staff Department's Number Sixty-Three Research Institute in Nanjing Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Practitioners in the Jiangsu Province Political-Legal System Respectfully Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in the State Council and Central Government Commissions and Ministries Respectfully Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Dear Master, Happy New Year!
As your disciples, we will never forget our great mission, and will make steadfast progress on our own path to save sentient beings. We will do our best to give you good news.
Practitioners in the State Council and Central Government Commissions and Ministries
January 22, 2009
Practitioners in Four Chinese Military Headquarters Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Practitioners in Jilin Provincial Government Agencies Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Practitioners in Chinese Military Wish Master a Happy New Year
As the world approaches the Year of the Ox in 2009, we practitioners in the Chinese Military wish Master a Happy New Year. We thank Master for your salvation. We miss you very much. As your disciples, we will treat the Fa as our teacher, maintain our righteous thoughts and righteous actions, become more diligent in cultivation, and fulfill our commitment in the three things. Master, please trust us.
Your disciples in the Chinese military
January 23, 2009 (three days before the Chinese New Year)
Practitioners in Nanjing Aerospace Industry Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in the Chinese Military Wish Respectfully Master a Happy New Year!
Practitioners in the Shandong Armed Police Wish Master a Happy New Year!
Practitioners in the Chinese Taxation System Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Veteran Soldiers and Other Genuine Practitioners in the Military Wish Master a Happy New Year!
In the upcoming Year of the Ox, I , a veteran soldier from the military, and other Dafa disciples in the military, wish our revered, great and compassionate Master a Happy New Year! We thank Master for your hard work.
To deserve Master's salvation, and fulfill our historical pledge, we will become more diligent in 2009 and save more people. Master, please trust us.
Chinese Police Officer and Family Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy New Year!

We thank Master for his protection and compassion. In the new year and new era, no matter what tribulations we encounter, we will become more steadfast. We will continue to clarify the truth, expose the evil persecution and share the beauty of Dafa with more people.
A police office and the entire family
January 26, 2009
Practitioners in the Public Security System in Handan, Hebei Province Respectfully Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year!
Practitioners in the State Taxation System Respectfully Wish Great Master a Happy and Successful New Year!
Practitioners in China's Administrative Law Enforcement System Wish Master a Happy New Year!
On this traditional holiday, we wish you, our compassionate and great Master, a Happy New Year. We will put forth our best effort to fulfill the three things. We will not disappoint you and the sentient beings. We will accomplish our historical mission.
Practitioners in China's Administrative Law Enforcement System
January 20, 2009
Practitioners in China's Local Taxation System Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!
Another year is coming. We thank Master for his compassion and protection. Dear Master, you are working so hard. We wish you a very happy New Year!
Practitioners in China's Local Taxation System
January 24, 2009
Practitioners in China's National Land Management Administration Respectfully Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year!

In the upcoming new year, we will continue our best effort to accomplish the three things. We will not disappoint Master and the sentient beings.
Practitioners in China's Transportation Management Administration Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year!

Retired Armed Police Officers Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!
Practitioners in Hebei Province Justicial System Respectfully Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year!
Practitioners in China's Air Force Respectfully Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year!
Practitioners in Xi'an (Military) Satellite Tracking and Command Center Wish Great and Compassionate Master a Happy New Year!
Dear Master, please rest assured. During the next year, we will do our best to accomplish the three things required by Master. We will cultivate ourselves, we will save more people, we will not let you down, and we will fulfill our historical vows.
Practitioners in Xi'an Satellite Tracking and Command Center