(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of April 18, 2008, the second performance of the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) Chinese Spectacular was held in the ASB Theatre, Aotea Centre, Oakland.
Many local Chinese residents and students saw the Chinese Spectacular and commended the performance.
Avvie, a student from Beijing, is studying in New Zealand for six months. She enjoyed the performance very much. "I liked the drumming. It was splendid and powerful - a great presentation of our profound Chinese culture."
She said, "From this performance, I feel deeply a sense of justice. This is important. I know that there are some [negative] views on Falun Gong in China. The information I got in China is completely opposite to what I learned outside of China. In China, the view spread in the media is not true. Outside China, I can read true information, making my scope wider and letting me see the facts."
Avvie said she watched the show with great excitement. She also said she learned more about Falun Gong. "I think that as a Chinese student I need to know the facts of the world. I think Falun Gong is good. I will write my feelings abouts the performance in my blog."
Sutathip Sellars, CEO of Thai Tucker Limited, said after watching the show that the Chinese Spectacular was fantastic, including the dances and the colorful costumes. She enjoyed each piece in the program.

Sutathip Sellars, CEO of Thai Tucker Limited
Ms. Sellars was born in Thailand, but her ancestors were Chinese. She said emotionally, "Though I was born in Thailand and cannot speak Chinese, I have Chinese blood and am very proud of it. I believe that the Chinese race is one of wisdom."