(Clearwisdom.net) From December 19 to 21, the Divine Performing Arts New York Company presented four shows at the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia. The splendid performances received very favorable comments from audience members.
Chinese Immigrant: Very proud of Chinese culture
During intermission of the matinee show on December 20, a Chinese immigrant told the reporter that he was very proud of being Chinese after seeing the show. "I heard about Divine Performing Arts before, but I didn't know that the company had so many excellent performing artists. My daughter was born in China and grew up in the US so she knows little about Chinese culture. I brought her here to learn about traditional Chinese culture. This show advocates our own culture. I asked my daughter whether she was proud of being Chinese, and our 5000 year history. Our culture was advanced even several thousand years ago."

Chinese immigrant Mr. Zhao: The costumes, music, and dance are very traditional
Poet: Full of hope

Poet Docena Blyden and her company manager Jessica
Docena Blyden is a poet, writer, and publisher. She is also the founder of the Dar Vision Company. After the show, she said that she loved every detail. "From now on, I will come back to see this show every year. It was so beautiful. The costumes, color, dances, and music--so beautiful. There is no other show better than this and I can't wait to see the show next year."
When asked which piece impressed her the most, she said that "Persecuted on a Sacred Path" was very touching. This dance portrayed the plight of a Falun Gong family of three, a couple and their daughter. The husband was beaten to death, leaving behind his helpless wife and daughter. Yet, it also sent a great message of hope when the husband was elevated to heaven at the end of the piece. Ms. Blyden said that she was deeply touched by the message of hope, that despite suppression, evil, and violence to women and children, people still have hope.
Biologist: Such a performance cannot be seen in China
Biologist Jerry Joank fled to the US from Czechoslovakia when the communists were in power. He said that he understood the plight of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in communist China. "I was deeply touched by the content that depicted the persecution of Falun Gong and I felt that Falun Gong's 'Forbearance' is very important."
Mr. Joank knows that people in China cannot see a show like this. He said, "Divine Performing Arts is trying to preserve traditional Chinese culture. I think this is very important and it should be brought back to China through proper channels."
Chinese Chemist: Very excited

Dupont chemist Frank, his daughter and her friends
Frank, a chemist, brought his daughter and her friends to see the show. Frank said that he was very excited by a show that portrayed deities and Buddhas. "The last piece showed that so many deities, Buddhas, and Taos have come to the Earth, and this gave me a very special feeling. Because of atheistic brainwashing, I had difficulty accepting anything related to Buddhas or Taos. However, this barrier seems to have disappeared in recent years and I think this spiritual part of Chinese culture is very good."
Regarding the content related to the persecution of Falun Gong, Frank said, "I respect Falun Gong because no one else dares to resist the communist party's persecution. Over the years, I have gradually realized that what Falun Gong has been talking about makes a lot of sense."
Steel Company CEO: This matters to everyone's life

Bill Dain is the CEO of a steel company and a frequent theater visitor. He said, "The show is great, the costumes are so beautiful, the music was wonderful, and the orchestra was very special. The dancing was superb. Moreover, the stories and concepts portrayed matter to everyone's life. "
Writer: Learning about the truth is very important
Paula Susan is a psychotherapist and a writer. In the past several years, she has never missed a show of the Divine Performing Arts in Philadelphia. She said that the show was a wonderful experience and left her with great hope.
Susan said that her favorite piece was the Erhu solo. "It was exquisite! It penetrated my heart and made me soar.
"I have been to China and I have many Chinese friends, so I know what is happening in China and I know what the truth is. This show is a wonderful way to remind the Chinese in America what the real China is and what is happening there."