(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of November 26, 2008, a celebration for the first anniversary of the Tianti Bookstore was held in the store. The bookstore was the first in the world to specialize in selling Falun Dafa books. It is located in Fort Lee, New Jersey.
Bookstore Manager Mr. Zhu talked about setting up the bookstore, "The reason for setting up the bookstore was simple. We are Falun Dafa practitioners and have benefited a lot. After the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong started, people have had difficulty buying Dafa books, and we wanted to help. Some people listened to the CCP propaganda and have negative views toward Falun Gong. We hoped to provide a channel for them to learn the facts about Falun Gong. Nowadays society is experiencing a downward slide in morality. One hundred million practitioners have practiced Falun Gong by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and improving their moral values. We established the Tianti Bookstore to give people another channel to learn about Falun Gong."
He continued, "The second Tianti Bookstore opened in Toronto's Chinatown. I hope that a Tianti Bookstore will open in every corner of the world."
The bookstore's assistant manager Ms. Li said, "Since this is the first Falun Dafa bookstore in the world, we get orders and inquiries from around the world. Preparing books and mailing them to predestined people is a pleasant job. Sometimes, people buy books and request to learn the exercises on the spot, so we teach them the exercises and study the books with them. My biggest wish is for more people to practice Falun Gong."
Cynthia and Johnnie are good friends, and they are new Falun Gong practitioners after learning the exercises at the Tianti Bookstore. They have practiced for over two months.
Cynthia works in a lawyer's office. Before she began practicing Falun Gong, she felt sorrowful and lonely, and prayed to God to help her find happiness and become a good person. Then one day she found a flyer introducing Falun Dafa in front of her door. She called Ms. Li at the Tianti Bookstore and made an appointment. She knew that this was what she had been seeking, and she told her friend Johnnie about it. They learned the exercises from Ms. Li and read Dafa books. Since then, she has been a happy person, and she feels wants to tell more people about it.

Practitioners read Dafa books at the Tianti Bookstore
Cynthia's friend Johnnie works in the music industry. He said, "In everyday life, I felt lost. I didn't know there was such a graceful thing as this. I feel that practicing Falun Gong is great, something that's beyond description. Now I feel more energetic, active and positive."
Address of Tianti Bookstore: 2021 Lemoine Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Phone: 1-201-242-8861
Website of Tianti Bookstore: http://tiantibooks.org