(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of October 3, Divine Performing Arts (DPA) presented its third performance in Geneva. The audience rewarded each piece with warm applause and gave a standing ovation to the artists at the end of the show. When interviewed afterwards, audience members gave high marks for the show's beauty.
Former Vice-President of Geneva State Council: DPA Reveals Chinese Talent

Philippe Joye, former Vice-President of the Council of State,
and Canton of Geneva
Philippe Joye is the former vice-president of the Council of State, Republic and Canton of Geneva. He said, "I saw the performance last year and was impressed by the quality, and so I came again this year. Every aspect of the show is artistically perfect. The tenor was so admirable--he has a golden throat. This show helped me realize that there are so many talented people among the Chinese."
Director of Geneva Music Institute: I have just experienced a new realm of music

Robert Hisland Hiestand, director of the Geneva Higher Institute of Music
Robert Hisland Hiestand, director of the Geneva Higher Institute of Music, brought five faculty members of his institute to watch the show and learn about traditional elements of Chinese music. Mr. Hiestand is an expert in Mongolian music and he currently serves as the chairperson of the Swiss Mongolian Association. He said, "One of my favorite pieces was 'Chopstick Zest.' I have been working on the research and protection of Mongolian music for years, and the music and rhythm of this piece is so dear to my heart. Though I have been studying music so long, after seeing the show, I felt like a newborn infant, as I have just experienced a new realm of music. It was not usual."
Bank Executive: Exceptional Music and Dance

Elizabeth and her family
Elizabeth is a top banking executive and she brought her husband and daughter to see the show. Elizabeth's husband practices Chinese medicine and their daughter was born in China. The family lived in China for many years and just returned to Switzerland last year. While in China, they visited many places and they love Chinese culture. She gave her remarks in Chinese, "The show was great and we all loved it. This was a wonderful experience. You know, we lived in China for years and we have been to Dunhuang. This show was so beautiful with exceptional music and dance. Everything was perfect and I liked all of the programs."
Her husband Mike shared her remarks, saying, "I learned to play the erhu before and I loved the erhu performance. The hi-tech backdrop was very creative. In addition, the host and hostess were excellent."
Entrepreneur: It is a Rainbow

Roula Danial, a businesswoman
Roula Danial is a successful entrepreneur. She said, "The performers were very concentrated and showed great forbearance. I believe that they must have gone through long training to achieve this level. The show was gorgeous, very colorful and elegant. Just like a rainbow, indeed, it was like a rainbow. I am sure many of the audience members were touched by the show. When they realize the meaning of the show, they will spread the word and more people will come next year."
Businessman: Human rights is a Universal Value

Businessman Hans
Hans, a businessman, said that the piece that impressed him the most was the one which depicted three female Chinese Falun Gong practitioners suffering in prison. "Human rights is a universal value and I feel very sad about the persecution. The show was very good and very special. The costumes were so colorful and gorgeous, the Chinese instruments were very unique, and the backdrop design was perfect for the stage performance. This was my third time seeing Divine Performing Arts and every time I get something new from it."