(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of January 26, 2008, the touring company of Divine Performing Arts presented the second Chinese New Year Spectacular show in Chicago. During the intermission, the reporter saw a lady in her 70's sitting in an aisle seat. It seemed that she was still immersed in the show.

Ms. Pat Jennett said the show radiates beauty, goodness and positive thinking.
Her name is Pat Jennett. She came with her daughter, son-in-law, and six grandchildren. Ms. Jennett said she felt that watching the show was like being transported to a more peaceful time and place. "It's wonderful to be away a little bit in the afternoon to take ourselves out of today's society, and put ourselves in another environment, which is positive and beautiful. I think we'll all go back home this afternoon much enriched." Ms. Jennett especially appreciated the show's spiritual values. "It's a kind of spiritual thing...you [Chinese] maintain your Buddhist background, and we maintain our Christian background...we come together and we ask, 'Why doesn't the world do that?'"
Ms. Jennett could not say which performance was her favorite, but has an overall respect for the noble character presented by the dancers. "They are all lovely, they all have something special to give. Really! The male dancers are excellent, and the ladies are beautiful. I tell you, they know how to maintain their beauty, their figure and physique, and they really radiate goodness. I think the show radiates beauty and goodness and positive thinking. And I like that very much because I'm a positive thinker

Angela Gomez thinks the show is absolutely beautiful and breathtaking
Sitting beside Ms. Jennett was her granddaughter Angela Gomez. Ms. Gomez is a cardiac intensive care nurse. She said about the show, "I think it's fantastic. I have some history in dance, so I have an added appreciation for the ability and talent, and the time and discipline that goes into making the production as phenomenal as it is. I think it's so amazing to see so many young people so dedicated to something, working together to create something so beautiful." She said she hopes that this art is something that becomes more appreciated. She intends to see the show again and to bring her friends to see it as well. "It's absolutely beautiful and breathtaking."
Ms. Gomez also had difficulty choosing a favorite program. "I really appreciated the balance that was needed for the Mongolian bowls, and I really liked the Tibetan one with long sleeves. And the costumes in those two are absolutely phenomenal, it showed off in a special way the talent required for these productions."