(Clearwisdom.net) At the Arie Crown Theater, Chinese-American audience members voiced their enthusiastic approval of the Chinese New Year Spectacular.
Mr. Jizeng Kang said, "I saw the show in 2006, so this is my second time. I think it has improved a lot. The backdrop design and the costumes are significantly better than last time. It is very professional. I recommended this show to my sister, and her whole family came."
When asked which piece was his favorite, Mr. Kang said, "I liked every one. The Tang drummers were amazing. The stories that portrayed the principle 'Good Will Be Rewarded and Evil Will Meet Retribution' are very meaningful for today's society. Though I don't know much about Falun Gong, the [communist] regime should not persecute them.
"The message of the show is 'compassion.' It inspires people's compassion, which is rooted in everyone's heart. If I had to use one word to summarize the show, I would say, 'Fantastic!'"
Mr. Azhong, originally from Hong Kong, said, "The programs were fantastic, very beautiful. I remember a little bit about Chinese myths, and the show was very educational from that perspective. I know Falun Gong is being persecuted in China, and they should have a free environment to practice their belief. People can have different opinions, and they should be allowed to express themselves and say such things as "Falun Gong is good!"
Mr. Amao was born in Vietnam. He said, "The dancing and the backdrop designs were fantastic. I will tell my friends, 'You must come to see it if you haven't. It is absolutely outstanding.'"

Kerry Kairis hopes the persecution will end soon
Kerry Kairis, from Taiwan, said, "One piece was about Falun Gong in China. I feel it was very important to portray facts of the persecution on stage because the persecution is still happening in China. To have 'Falun Dafa is good' projected on the backdrop made the message very clear. I think that was very good, because everyone should know this.
"I hope the situation will improve because so many people are being persecuted. Though we haven't experienced it in person, after reading so many reports, I hope the persecution will end soon. Are they [Falun Gong practitioners] still subjected to organ harvesting? It is such a severe issue, yet many people don't know about it. I hope the US government will pay close attention to the persecution."