(Clearwisdom.net) On January 15, 2008, the touring company of Divine Performing Arts wound up its premier show in Montreal to prolonged applause from the audience.
Dr. Lu Zhigao, a former official of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, commended the Divine Performing Arts performance as truly representing traditional Chinese culture.

Dr. Lu Zhigao, former official of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
At the VIP reception prior to the show, Dr. Lu recalled one of the dance numbers in last year's show-- "Ladies of the Manchu Court." He said that he is from Manchu, and that the dance transported him back to the old days and the culture of the past. Manchu has its unique culture and character, with many things definitely worth preserving. He asked, "Where is a nation from? Nobody knows it now, and many things have been lost."
Dr. Lu commented, "The Chinese New Year Spectacular is getting better and better each year. I find it very good. The acting and dancing is superb, and it showcases our Chinese culture. There are a variety of dances from different ethnicities, such as Tibetan and Mongolian dances. All this is very very good. My favorite dance is the drum dance in the Tang Dynasty style; it may be that because I'm a man, and I have experienced wars, so it can touch my heart."
"Westerners do not understand true Chinese culture. In the past decades, the [Communist Party's] "Model Opera" is not representative [of Chinese culture] - it is too political. Divine Performing Arts is not political. It is a delightful art, and is true, traditional Chinese culture," said Dr. Lu.
Commenting on alto Yang Jiansheng, Dr. Lu said, "Her tone was really beautiful, and in her voice, each note implied layers of symbolism and meaning. It was not simply a sad feeling, but she expressed many things that she has experienced in her life. I can understand it. I felt the compassion in the singing."