(Clearwisdom.net) On September 15, 2007 an annual multicultural festival (Karneval der Kulturen) was held in Hamburg, the largest harbor city in northern Germany. Tens of thousands of local residents and tourists watched the festival's parade. Falun Gong was the only group presenting traditional Chinese culture in the parade. The practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on a beautiful float decorated with lotus flowers, and also performed on traditional Chinese waist drums. In addition, the European Divine Land Marching Band, comprised of more than 120 Falun Gong practitioners from more than 10 European countries, made its inaugural performance at the festival. The practitioners' outstanding performance received warm applause from the spectators. Some people were moved to tears.

The European Divine Land Marching Band performs for the first time in a Hamburg multicultural festival
An onlooker taking a photo of the Falun Gong procession
Several practitioners demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises on a float
A Falun Gong banner in the parade

Onlookers enjoy the performance of the Divine Land Marching Band
The Divine Land Marching Band passes by the Hamburg Railway Station

The Divine Land Marching Band
An onlooker is happy to receive a Falun Gong truth-clarifying leaflet
One middle-aged German lady said that she had seen Falun Dafa in the festival last year and was deeply touched by the practitioners' performance. She said that she learned about the persecution of Falun Gong from a practitioner who chatted with her during that parade and gave her a leaflet. The lady was excited to see the practitioners again. "It is great that you guys persevere in your belief. I sincerely wish you the best."
When the Falun Gong procession passed through Hamburg's Chinatown (Jungfernstieg), many Chinese businessmen came out to see the performance upon hearing the Divine Land Marching Band's music. They were shocked and dumbfounded when they saw the band, as they witnessed with their own eyes the purity and grandness of overseas Falun Gong practitioners of all races.