(Clearwisdom.net) On September 8, 2007, Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners traveled to Rivne, a city located in western Ukraine, to introduce Falun Dafa to local residents and expose the brutal persecution inflicted by the Chinese Communist regime against Falun Gong practitioners.
A passer-by talks to a Falun Gong practitioner to learn more about the persecution

People are shocked by the atrocities that the Chinese Communist regime have inflicted upon Falun Gong

A Falun Gong practitioner demonstrates how to make paper lotus flowers as she explains the profound meaning of cultivation

Falun Gong practitioners clarify the facts about the persecution in Rivne, Ukraine
As Falun Gong practitioners had never come to this city before, most people did not understand the Chinese Communist regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. They were shocked to find out about the torture and the organ harvesting, as illustrated by photos and drawings. Many residents indicated that the Chinese people should discard the communist regime as soon as possible, like the people of Ukraine have done.
During the truth clarification activities, one gentleman told practitioners that he loved China and was learning Mandarin. He said he could not tolerate the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong. He said, "I know Chinese people are smart and wise. Let me make an analogy: I think the communist autocracy can be considered as a virus. It will keep spreading and aggravate if you don't curb it." He continued, "I am confident that people as wise as the Chinese will find a good remedy to wipe out the virus."
During the activities, which lasted for several hours, many people asked for a copy of Zhuan Falun, the principal text of Falun Dafa. They indicated to practitioners their intention to learn Falun Dafa. "We hope you can come back and hold more activities here," many of them said. Several local reporters came to cover the event.