(Clearwisdom.net) It was a beautiful summer day in Cambridge for the Cherry Hinton Festival. This festival is an annual celebration for families in the local community with a history that goes back to the days of celebrating a successful harvest.

Young people show interest in the Falun Gong exercise demonstration

Many local residents visited the Falun Gong booth
There was a wealth of activities including a parade, competitions for the largest pumpkin and best Victoria Sponge Cake, rides, craft workshops, face-painting, juggling lessons, music, morris dancing and story-telling, as well as dozens of stalls with fresh-baked treats, home-made blankets, locally grown produce and flowers, books, crafts, learning about recycling and the environment. There was also the Falun Gong practitioners' stall with calligraphy and demonstrations of the Falun Gong exercises. Many of the local city councilors, along with the Cambridge MP David Howarth, also attended the festival.
Thousands of people packed the large festival grounds and enjoyed the Falun Gong exercise demonstrations. One gentleman said, "It's absolutely beautiful, calm and serene. It's a pleasure to watch people practice such things."
Another person said, "I love it. It's calm and that's what I like."
A local resident with her son said, "I think it's really good. It's excellent, and interesting."
The practitioners' handmade paper lotus flowers, informational leaflets,
newspapers and bookmarks were gladly received by those who came by the Falun
Gong booth and there was much interest in the local exercise classes.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200709/41194.html