(Clearwisdom.net) Every year before summer vacation, the nursery school my son attends has invited parents for a celebration. Besides activities organized by the teachers, there are also some invited performances. This celebration provides a great opportunity for the parents to get known each other.

A practitioner demonstrates the fifth Falun Gong exercise

Many children watch the demonstration with great interest

Two children compare their lotus flowers
This summer the nursery school decided to try something new. Two months before the celebration, the school held a meeting with a few parents of foreign nationalities to discuss their plans. They hoped that we could put on a few shows to represent our own cultures. I decided to share the beauty of Falun Dafa with these lovely children and their parents. After I briefly introduced the five Falun Gong exercises to the head of the nursery she immediately said that she hoped that I would participate.
Because this Falun Gong-promotion activity was mostly aimed at the children and their parents, I decided to hand out paper lotus flowers, telling them that these flowers would bring them good fortune. At breaks between the exercises, I always found some children and their parents waiting for the flowers.
Quite a few parents and teachers were interested. After watching the exercise demonstration, they came over and asked me where they could learn Falun Dafa. I then gave them our practice site information and truth-clarifying materials and told them about the beauty of Falun Dafa as well as the ongoing brutal persecution in China. Several parents learned the exercises then and there.
One parent said to me, "The Falun Gong exercises are very beautiful." A nursery teacher hoped that I could teach the exercises to the teachers so they could teach the children. She believed that this would greatly benefit the children both physically and spiritually.